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DiHalt 2008

DiHalt 2008 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2008

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

28th - 29th June 2008

ZX Demo »

[screenshot of the show of speaking socks]
1 Nedodemo Invaders8 8.45
2 Diafilm GriV 6.45
3 the show of speaking socks Cyberpunks Unity and Skrju 6.14
4 Standup or get out Milytia and Simbols 5.38
5 cats loves scene Milytia and Simbols 5.31
6 About A Thing Skrju 4.52

ZX Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of Esmeralda]
1 Esmeralda [View screenshot] Raynoa 6.64
2 Forever [View screenshot] bfox 4.89
3 PINK KAEL [View screenshot] 4.50
4 hater08 [View screenshot] Hater / ArtX 4.39
5 Art Field [View screenshot] Kasik 3.57

ZX Spectrum 512b intro »

[screenshot of Super-Boot 512 Byte Remix]
1 Super-Boot 512 Byte Remix Rasmer / Fishbone 7.2
2 Chess-Board in Infinity Madness Tiboh / Debris 5.6
3 192v32 Budder / MGN Group 4.5

ZX Spectrum AY/TurboAY Music »

1 Related Memories bfox 7.20
2 Where Are You Karbofos / Drinks Lovers ^ Triumph 6.57
3 WALK SAV 6.41
4 Third eternal wind Splinter / DLCorp ^ Trinitrocode 5.53
5 Мне нечего сказать JeRrS 5.52
6 Another Stupid Pop Ch41ns4w / DLCorp 5.32
7 Genz Voxel / Triumph 5.08
8 I Need Speed! Dr.S / Simbols 4.73
9 Lumen - 2000 лет Firestarter / Hackerz Design Software 4.40
10 Забытые Души / Forgotten Souls rnR T.A.D. 3.80

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of 8bit Demoscene] [screenshot of 1MYLE1]
1 Female Sight x Gigascreen [View screenshot] Riskej / Simbols 7.9
2 oldsCool (Scene Island) [View screenshot] Pheel 7.6
3 8bit Demoscene [View screenshot] Kasik 6.9
4 Little Girl And Autumn [View screenshot] Riskej and lika / Simbols 6.4
5 shit-1 [View screenshot] Mixer 4.9
6 Ne7voyA [View screenshot] Mixer 4.1
7 1MYLE1 [View screenshot] Mixer 3.6
8 1ye2-E [View screenshot] Mixer 3

ZX Spectrum TurboFM-Music »

1 Deep Shiru 6.22
2 uzhos Alone Coder / Invaders8 5.43
3 shanson John Silver / Invaders8 5.29

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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