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Forever 2011

Forever 2011 on Demozoo »

Forever 2011

Horná Súča, Trencin, Slovakia

18th - 20th March 2011

Wild »

[screenshot of Fkiletatriz]
1 TeenageDream TDM 385
2 Jim Slim, Protovision 373
3 Fkiletatriz Poxoft / uZeroNiq 352
4 First Ever Shinra 278

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Ska 1024 Intro] [screenshot of Fychtl]
1 Rotazoomer Busy and Noro 489
2 Invaders Triebkraft 410
3 Doomsday Tiboh 371
4 Ska 1024 Intro dead8088 362
5 Fychtl Hellboj 347
6 Spectro Optimus / Dirty Minds 345
7 Realtime Trigonometric Snakes RM-TEAM 343
8 Sindikat Greetz Forever ikon / SinDiKat 282

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Critical Error]
1 Critical Error Agenda and Hooy-Program 490
2 Gemba Gemba Boys 469
3 1979 Hooy-Program 367
4 A Story Hooy-Program 291
5 Dark Demo AER 109

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of 12 Monkeys] [screenshot of Cadfael. Limit Of Faith]
1 Autumn Virtuoso [View screenshot] Piesiu / Agenda 566
2 Holy Fucking Shit [View screenshot] LCD 492
3 Heteronexion [View screenshot] r0m 490
4 12 Monkeys [View screenshot] CVM / ZeroTeam 489
5 Cadfael. Limit Of Faith [View screenshot] Samanasuke 471
6 Alternative W.Games [View screenshot] MSA 440
7 Manifested [View screenshot] Ref / Crescent 425
8 Poison Crowd [View screenshot] Nodeus / Light Future Group 403
9 Spiderman_C [View screenshot] Trixs / MB Maniax 401
10 8bit Eden [View screenshot] Busy 372
11 Innuendo [View screenshot] Aki 370
12 Domcek [View screenshot] Nairam 249

ZX Spectrum Music »

[screenshot of Karma 2]
1 Clive Sinclair Aki / AY Riders ^ Hooy-Program 457
2 Karma 2 z00m / Total Computer Gang 454
3 January 2011 MmcM / Sage 432
4 We Speak No Americano mborik / RM-TEAM 394
5 Return Karate / Mandala Breakers 375
6 Promise Reprise ZJ Alex Clap 310

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