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Icons 2008

Icons 2008 on Demozoo »

Icons 2008

Helsinki, Finland

6th - 8th June 2008

Demo »

[screenshot of you go, covered, astray]
1 fit-039: Boy Fit 131
2 Ajatuksiani kauniista maailmastamme Jumalauta 101
3 Grand Central Outbreak 98
4 Osa 1 Flo 86
5 Shoot Unique 53
6 Galways Australian Drug Foundation 53
7 fastlove wAMMA 43
8 Ulkoministeri, moniosaaja ja rakastaja ISO 42
9 Traumwerk Immersion 35
10 BITS #6009 BITS 34
11 Cancer Matt Current 32
12 The Thief Jugi 31
13 MORON mfx 30
14 Kivi Adapt 29
15 and no voice Skrju 26
16 Chem $001 18
17 30 minutes of saturday morning wAMMA 18
18 Firstro Meduusa 15
19 Walk of the Phones Bawlz 12
20 Gabriel Amnesty 3
21 Shake something The Alberts 3
21 you go, covered, astray Cyberpunks Unity and minimalartifact

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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