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Chaos Constructions 2007

Chaos Constructions 2007 on Demozoo »

Chaos Constructions 2007

Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia

25th - 26th August 2007

ZX Realtime Coding »

[screenshot of AA_AA]
1 dRAIN Alff / Cyberpunks Unity 7.774
2 AA_AA Budder / MGN Group 5.438
3 prog DSS 3.656

ZX Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of smetanko]
1 Dizzy [View screenshot] Hedj 7.027
2 Human Relations [View screenshot] bfox 6.405
3 TPABA [View screenshot] Kasik 5.972
4 UBUNTU [View screenshot] Kaleva 5.243
5 smetanko [View screenshot] Pink / mayHem 4.892
6 mario [View screenshot] x-empty dragon 3.757

ZX Spectrum AY Music »

1 Technodrive Darkman007 7.054
2 Fall of last hope Splinter 6.571
3 Neverending Song EA / Antares 6.333
4 Blaze SAV 6.25
5 Osen' na ladonyah Dr.S / Simbols 6.196
6 Kawaii_desu_YM Ch41ns4w 6.083
7 Space Adventure - Sleeping star Voxel / Triumph 6.042
8 Something From Beyond Ch41ns4w and Gibson 5.864
9 Deep Music Gibson 5.304
10 Flight Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 4.479

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of freeDAks]
1 freeDAks Alff and Simon / Cyberpunks Unity ^ Fat Bastards 6.656
2 Hard Incest Milytia 5.75
3 Look What I Have Found Skrju 3.969

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Mermaids] [screenshot of Земляне несут мир и порядок народам галактики]
1 Onku [View screenshot] Vassa 7.373
2 Земляне несут мир и порядок народам галактики [View screenshot] Surfin' Bird 6.365
3 Рыбинск [View screenshot] Kasik 6.208
4 Mermaids [View screenshot] Vassa 6.058
5 cat [View screenshot] Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 5.642
6 Седььмой перевал Liza 5.623
7 Mixer Starter [View screenshot] 5.481
8 Фетиш N1 [View screenshot] Surfin' Bird 5.212
9 Why [View screenshot] Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 4.189

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