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Multimatograf 2024

Multimatograf 2024 on Demozoo »

Multimatograf 2024

Vologda Oblast, Vologda, Russia

29th - 30th April 2024

256b Oldschool Intro »

[screenshot of Magic Loom]
1 Magic Loom Kael / mayHem 7.77
2 Morph Gogin 7.61
3 Lasoft ChessMaster Shuran33 6.91

ASCII / ANSI Graphics »

[screenshot of Warrior and His Demon]
1 Warrior and His Demon [View screenshot] Shuran33 / Outsiders 6.31
2 pre:boxed wbcbz7 6.00

Oldschool Demo »

[screenshot of Pocket Picasso]
1 Unspoken Stardust 9.42
2 Flat Colors Caroline Software Incorporated and Excess Team 8.39
3 Pocket Picasso Outsiders 8.34
4 Floor Sandro 4.98

Oldschool Graphics »

[screenshot of Urban Heights] [screenshot of Remains of Former Greatness] [screenshot of Anahit Kanachyan (Анаит Каначян)]
1 Just Look Up Error / ErrorSoft 8.57
2 Rainy Day [View screenshot] Dimidrol 8.25
3 Sabbath Error / ErrorSoft 8.11
4 The Fall [View screenshot] Diver and Raynoa 8.11
5 Mandalorian Katoyama / Team Koalas 8.03
6 Remains of Former Greatness [View screenshot] UriS 7.83
7 War [View screenshot] Art-top 7.62
8 Finish Him TmK / deMarche 7.06
9 Alice Katoyama / Team Koalas 7.01
10 Gandalf the Grey Katoyama / Team Koalas 6.89
11 Urban Heights [View screenshot] Grongy 6.43
12 Fighters Katoyama / Team Koalas 6.32
13 Anahit Kanachyan (Анаит Каначян) [View screenshot] Shuran33 / Outsiders 6.16
14 Torii 鳥居 - The Gates Between the Worlds [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Katoyama / Team Koalas 5.86

Oldschool Music »

1 The Bright Rays of You MmcM / Sage 8.32
2 Timely Touch KUVO / Caroline Software Incorporated 7.61
3 Creation of Restless Energy EA / Antares 7.16
4 A cup of blood with my Waifu! lampovyï_ninja 6.89
5 Sorcerer's Doll Nik-O / Stardust 6.67
6 k3yg3n 2 ur h3art JPEG 5.89

Realtime 8-bit Music Cover »

1 Inside the Machine JPEG 8.38
2 Realtime is tekhnotime lampovyï_ninja 8.36

Realtime Oldschool Paintover »

[screenshot of in memory of ...]
1 in memory of ... [View screenshot] Vinnny 8.82

Realtime ZX 53c »

[screenshot of Вынес всё!!!] [screenshot of Bukasu] [screenshot of Офигеть]
1 Комочек в рукаве [View screenshot] Shuran33 8.32
2 8 colors [View screenshot] KASik_KACuk / Sinclair Club 7.63
3 [ITOGI] [View screenshot] Error 7.55
4 Bukasu [View screenshot] Error 7.48
5 DMND [View screenshot] Error 7.43
6 Pocket Galaxy [View screenshot] Akvochka 7.38
7 Dazzling heart [View screenshot] lotaurus 6.85
8 Поймать звезду [View screenshot] sherhan 6.79
9 Офигеть [View screenshot] Dovakin23 6.68
=10 POCKETLED [View screenshot] Error 6.48
=10 Amazing night [View screenshot] Magda 6.48
11 Ослепительное из рукава [View screenshot] Stars 6.46
12 smthng [View screenshot] Dimidus 6.44
13 Test my fist! [View screenshot] CHRV 6.23
14 Вынес всё!!! [View screenshot] Dovakin23 6.00
15 "Ослепительное" в рукаве [View screenshot] Kotsoft 5.95
16 When you only hit head's coin [View screenshot] Nortden 5.43
17 Privet Multimatograf! [View screenshot] FilipppX 4.37

Wild »

[screenshot of AON at Night]
1 koolnESS The Furnace Posse 8.27
2 SIIIGHT Caroline Software Incorporated 8.23
3 computer_advertisement.mp4 Mickaleus / ICUP 7.08
4 Forever (Clubland Mix) - Music Video cslr / Sensar Studios 6.44
5 Multigration Filippp 6.35
6 TheEnd Error / ErrorSoft 6.18
7 AON at Night nikhotmsk 5.33

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 FFS! Utz / Irrlicht Project 8.47
2 Lightbeam Shiru 8.04
3 The Dark Horseman Tufty 6.96
4 Outtarut Shiru 6.90
5 Kolbasa Kakos_nonos 5.88
6 The Path of Least Resistance ps 5.33

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