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DiHalt 2023

DiHalt 2023 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2023

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia

5th - 7th January 2023

Film/Wild »

[screenshot of zxgfx #6 memory]
1 zxgfx #6 memory Art-top and Grongy and V. S. and moroz1999 8.29
2 Осенний лес Milena / NedoPC 6.24
3 picture Rainman / deMarche 5.94
4 BananaFich BananaFich and Mitchell 5.59
5 Crimean Sailboat aGGreSSor 5.14

LowEnd 256b Intro »

[screenshot of Sun Glare]
1 eye Russian Massive Digital Aggression 7.30
2 Sun Glare Kpacku 7.06
3 Mystery Pass NiOl 6.97
4 radar Russian Massive Digital Aggression 6.67
5 Ball Run g0blinish 5.76

LowEnd Demo »

[screenshot of #07E7]
1 Christmas tree goes to a party Realm Of Illusion 7.50
2 #07E7 Eye-Q Team and Power Of Sound 7.39
3 MMXXIII g0blinish 5.02

LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of Penguin] [screenshot of Gena the Crocodile] [screenshot of Wagon]
1 To the Nowhere [View screenshot] Ruguevara 9.16
2 А ты уже слепил своего новогоднего снеговика ? [View screenshot] TmK / deMarche 7.46
3 untitled pixelrat 7.32
4 Wagon [View screenshot] Beaver 6.82
5 El tucan [View screenshot] Grongy 6.67
6 В сказку попала pixelrat 6.41
7 Penguin [View screenshot] Grongy 6.36
8 Gena the Crocodile [View screenshot] Casecoma 6.19
9 яйцо со шрамом [View screenshot] Grongy 6.08
10 Garfield Xmas [View screenshot] Katoyama 5.73
11 Павук pixelrat 5.52
12 Antarctica - Save the Penguins [View screenshot] Katoyama 5.04
13 Санитар демосцены [View screenshot] g0blinish 4.50
November 28 [View screenshot] René Coignard
December 1 [View screenshot] René Coignard
November 5 [View screenshot] René Coignard

Oldschool Adult Graphics Compo »

[screenshot of What are you staring at?] [screenshot of Хотите эротики?]
1 Бокал [View screenshot] Art-top 8.26
2 Demoscene is alive [View screenshot] KUVO / Caroline Software Incorporated 8.14
3 Blue stripes [View screenshot] UriS 7.75
4 Gifts [View screenshot] Dimidrol 7.49
5 Хотите эротики? [View screenshot] sherhan 7.20
6 What are you staring at? [View screenshot] Schafft 7.17
7 out of bounds [View screenshot] Grongy 6.83
8 s [View screenshot] Grongy 6.50
9 Print [View screenshot] UriS 6.48
10 Буревестник и башня ;) [View screenshot] UriS 5.79
11 Play me [View screenshot] Casecoma 5.78
12 summertime [View screenshot] UriS 5.61

Realtime AY/YM Music »

1 Winter Fragment 2023 MmcM and Sage 8.22
2 frag_4x4 EA / Antares 7.39
3 another frag 2023 KUVO 6.26
4 real time BuHalt compo rnR T.A.D. / s'ky killer's 5.69

Realtime LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of Зимние забавы старых пней #3] [screenshot of agemans winter]
1 Снег Дарья Конькова 8.37
2 agemans winter [View screenshot] Nodeus 8.04
3 Зимние забавы старых пней #1 [View screenshot] Grongy 7.55
4 Зимние забавы старых пней #3 [View screenshot] Casecoma 6.12
5 хоровод [View screenshot] Art-top 6.04
6 Зимние забавы старых пней #2 [View screenshot] Grongy 5.35
7 Old Pentiums Frog / Realm Of Illusion 5.30

Realtime Paint Over »

[screenshot of dragon attack]
1 Сон конокрада Casecoma 7.75
2 приманка (Bait) Matsha 7.16
3 dragon attack [View screenshot] Grongy 7.04
4 Третий всадник на новый год Ansy 6.84
5 Финальное ледовое побоище кревпуков с робутантами Дарья Конькова 6.62
6 Эх вы кони, мои кони Shuran33 6.43
7 На привале CHRV 6.32
8 bkh 2022 noob 6.12
9 Rocky Coder Surv!vor / Power Of Sound Web Team 5.91
10 Alternative universe Amirnasyri and CHMR 5.67

Realtime ZX Spectrum 53c Graphics »

[screenshot of Prezent na drodze (Презент на дрозде)] [screenshot of Насыщенная ночь] [screenshot of Surprise!] [screenshot of A Speccy Christmas] [screenshot of Веник - вот лучший подарок (особенно с иголками))] [screenshot of Дедушка и Рудольф принесли в лес подарки]
1 Merry Christmas 7e7 [View screenshot] Surv!vor 7.54
2 Рождественская музыка [View screenshot] aGGreSSor 7.05
3 Здравствуй ж**а Новый год! [View screenshot] CHMR 7.00
4 Happy Сhristmas [View screenshot] Дарья Конькова 6.85
5 Silence please [View screenshot] KUVO 6.77
6 Годный подарок в любой день [View screenshot] ZSka 6.67
7 Рождественские подарки [View screenshot] Casecoma 6.66
8 A Speccy Christmas [View screenshot] Logiker 6.53
9 Surprise! [View screenshot] toughthrough 6.38
10 Rabbit for Luck [View screenshot] Diana 6.35
11 Swiateczny Prezent [View screenshot] Dynamika / Brain Wave 6.34
12 Веник - вот лучший подарок (особенно с иголками)) [View screenshot] Amirnasyri 6.24
12 Насыщенная ночь [View screenshot] CHMR 6.24
13 merry reindeer knitted sweater [View screenshot] atomic_gun 5.85
14 Санта Клаус сошёл с ума [View screenshot] CHMR 5.76
15 Мышь - лучшый подарок [View screenshot] CHRV 5.68
16 А мы тебе говорили не пить!! (Эх, Вася, Вася...) [View screenshot] Amirnasyri 5.65
17 Пиво лучший подарок на Новый год (наверное) [View screenshot] Amirnasyri 5.56
18 Teddy Bear [View screenshot] Дарья Конькова 5.34
19 "Amiga" as a gift [View screenshot] noob 5.31
20 Дедушка и Рудольф принесли в лес подарки [View screenshot] Позориться не будет 5.30
21 Дарю любовь [View screenshot] Guest 4.97
22 Happy New Year [View screenshot] CHRV 4.84
23 Вам подарок! [View screenshot] sherhan 4.72
24 Когда я прочитал о вреде алкоголя, я бросил чтение [View screenshot] Amirnasyri 4.61
24 Without butter [View screenshot] sheeesh 4.61
25 Where is gift? [View screenshot] anl_cnt 4.38
26 Prezent na drodze (Презент на дрозде) [View screenshot] Dynamika / Brain Wave 4.35
27 light [View screenshot] AntiBender 4.33
28 Фиг тебе, а не подарок [View screenshot] CHMR 4.32
29 Skate [View screenshot] AntiBender 4.30
30 PoS [View screenshot] Surv!vor / Power Of Sound 4.23
31 Пропьём Россию [View screenshot] CHRV 4.18
32 pos wt red [View screenshot] Surv!vor / Power Of Sound Web Team 3.94

ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music »

1 Christmas Holidays MmcM 7.63
2 Autodream KUVO 7.15
3 Mega Dance part 2 reddie 6.67
4 New Year Experience EA 6.64
5 Sunrise Theme EA 6.52
6 Yet Another Monday aGGreSSor 6.19
7 Die Werwolfes CJ Splinter / DLCorp ^ Trinitrocode 5.67
8 Winter Fantasy UriS 5.47
9 TRAP aGGreSSor 5.13
10 M/O rnR T.A.D. / s'ky killer's 4.49
11 5-oi-na rnR T.A.D. / s'ky killer's 4.41
12 Dick-Prick aGGreSSor 4.32
13 Endless Existence rnR T.A.D. / s'ky killer's 3.89

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

[screenshot of A Strange Game] [screenshot of Noise In My Head]
1 A Strange Game Utz / Irrlicht Project 7.61
2 Synthetic Heartbeat Ataritufty / 1-bit forum 7.18
3 Noise In My Head Shiru 7.17
4 Cosmic_Puppy AER 7.14
5 Traffic Lights Shiru 7.06
6 Yo Yo Beep Beep Ataritufty / 1-bit forum 6.04
7 SAD Beeper rnR T.A.D. / s'ky killer's 4.33

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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