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Nova 2023

Nova 2023 on Demozoo »

Nova 2023

Budleigh Salterton, Devon, England, United Kingdom

23rd - 25th June 2023

Tiny Intro »

[screenshot of ZxGPT]
1 Sunset Cove Moods jtruk / Rift 154
2 Voroblud Singularity Pellicus 149
3 XOrb gigabates / Desire 148
4 Kaoticat Alia 147
5 Sine of the Chimes tom_seddon / Bitshifters 125
6 128ipede jtruk / Rift 119
7 BUD SALT dave84 109
8 Moirisc The Orz 106
9 Sinebobs ps 105
10 ZxGPT SerzhSoft 101
11 The Hello World of Sizecoding Rairii 89
12 Partycoded Prod: Blue Version Rairii 88
13 Partycoded Prod: Red Version Rairii 87

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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