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Lovebyte 2023

Lovebyte 2023 on Demozoo »

Lovebyte 2023

10th - 12th February 2023

128 Byte Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of undocumented XOR] [screenshot of PLOT-Love] [screenshot of Monoscope119b]
1 barplasm Koala / Agenda 243
2 Formations F#READY 229
3 Parallax Deater / Desire 217
4 vape lyfe Sebbert / Rootkids 197
5 March of the Triangles tom_seddon / Bitshifters 180
6 undocumented XOR g0blinish 169
7 PLOT-Love Mike / ZeroTeam 162
8 Gears128 Deater / Desire 154
9 black lodge transmissions Wacek / Arise 146
10 ghost in the machine Wacek / Arise 142
11 rasta128 42Bastian 130
12 PPdots Busy / SinDiKat 121
13 Monoscope119b Kaszi75 102

16 Byte Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of Hypno15b] [screenshot of Caleidoscope] [screenshot of Microwaves In Pixels] [screenshot of nanoposts]
1 Rainy Evening F#READY 139
2 Frantic Superogue / Marquee Design 136
3 nanoposts Baze / 3SC 125
=4 Microwaves In Pixels Joker 103
=4 wooow xeen / Agenda 103
6 People on a Train Koorogi 93
7 beepbars Koala / Agenda 87
8 late at night, programming the odra 1304 Wacek / Arise 84
=9 Lander Drm / Dilemma 83
=9 Field16 Deater / Desire 83
=11 col0fall hannu 82
=11 weaving16 Dtgr 82
13 Lo-key Nom De Nom 79
=14 Red Lines Adam Bazaroff / Excess Team 78
=14 Weave15 Deater / Desire 78
16 Caleidoscope Dr. BEEP 69
17 All Hail The Fish 'n' Chip Basterds! Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 63
18 10 Print Alexander Tishin 58
19 Hypno15b g0blinish 56
20 Pump Down The Volume! Spice Boys 42

1K Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of Waiting For Another LoveByte]
1 BlueFlame Deater / Desire 168
2 Waiting For Another LoveByte Joker 167
3 cyan1k Wacek / Arise 138
4 A2-4EVA Deater / VMW Productions 119
5 ChemiChaos g0blinish 115

256 Byte Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of Planet of Pyramid Monsters] [screenshot of Whole256] [screenshot of RipHic256b] [screenshot of Sonar]
1 entangler Baze / 3SC 273
=2 Theta Waves Schedar / Lethargy 219
=2 rodot 42Bastian 219
=4 storm Koala / Agenda 198
=4 Sonar Joker 198
6 256 bottles of rum Wacek / Arise 193
7 sail Koala / Agenda 190
8 480 shapes of grey Busy / SinDiKat 189
9 Summer Night Storm Tutty / Kpacku 166
10 Stop smoking! KUVO / Caroline Software Incorporated 162
11 Square Monuments Gorgh / Agenda 154
12 Minimegademo Nom De Nom and TCD / Trope 151
13 I Love The Dots Samar Productions 139
14 Planet of Pyramid Monsters Mike / ZeroTeam 138
15 Dido 42Bastian 137
16 Swirlin' Around TôBach / Slipstream ^ The Unstoppable Hacker Bunch 129
17 Lemming Deater / Desire 126
18 Mondrian 255 Logiker / Vintage Computing Carinthia 122
19 RipHic256b Kaszi75 120
20 Waves Optimus 116
21 Whole256 Busy and ikon / SinDiKat 112
22 blazon tiny intro Freeze 83

32 Byte Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of Tuning An Old Black And White TV] [screenshot of saqqara]
1 Multi Vortex F#READY 241
2 saqqara Baze / 3SC 213
3 barflow Koala / Agenda 178
4 Colored Lines Adam Bazaroff / Excess Team 168
5 diagonal rasters at berghain Wacek / Arise 154
6 colorchess Koala / Agenda 144
=7 Bubbling love Dtgr 134
=7 Agony17 Deater / Desire 134
9 Tuning An Old Black And White TV Joker 131
10 ooze32 Deater / Desire 122
11 fat print10 Adam Bazaroff / Excess Team 118
12 columns32 42Bastian 115
13 alice in greyland Wacek / Arise 105
14 Lane Burn Drm / Dilemma 92
15 Yo Momma Was A Fish 'n' Chip Basterd Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 80

64 Byte Intro Oldschool »

[screenshot of Night City Ride] [screenshot of Acid Trips To Near-Death Experiences] [screenshot of Multicolor Cinema 64]
1 Aurum Argentum F#READY 266
2 proteinsyntese Sebbert / Rootkids 219
3 colorspring Koala / Agenda 214
4 tornado Koala / Agenda 212
5 Acid Trips To Near-Death Experiences Joker 202
6 reflectendo elyon 187
7 pied64 Deater / Desire 182
8 Night City Ride Aki 174
9 war never changes spkr 167
10 Multicolor Cinema 64 Busy / SinDiKat 165
11 pattern38 42Bastian 156
12 PPstrips Busy / SinDiKat 147
13 a coked-up bird on my roof Wacek / Arise 134
14 Barely alive Dtgr 124
15 Ain't Nuthin But A Fish 'n' Chip Thang Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 104
16 Screen Burn Drm / Dilemma 97

8 Byte Showcase »

[screenshot of Proof of Concept 4b] [screenshot of Hole #11 enigma]
Proof of Concept 4b g0blinish
Etude Nom De Nom
Navig8r Superogue / Marquee Design
Digital Rain 7b g0blinish
Synthwave Camouflage hannu
Hole #11 enigma Russian Massive Digital Aggression
acidcloud Koala / Agenda
Luck & Love Superogue / Marquee Design
Loveb8 F#READY
tiny_hgr Deater / Desire

Nano Game Oldschool »

[screenshot of SOKOB 1/4]
1 $F1 Racer Freeze and Pararaum and Wil 120
2 snake249 42Bastian 102
3 Flappy Bird 256 Ko-Ko 98
4 maze #96 Wacek / Arise 81
5 SOKOB 1/4 Dr. BEEP 76
6 F1 Pitstop Simulator Dr. BEEP 60

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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