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DiHalt 2022

DiHalt 2022 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2022

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia

6th - 8th January 2022

Film/Wild »

[screenshot of Король и Шут: Камнем по голове (demo version)]
1 Король и Шут: Камнем по голове (demo version) Art-top 7.70
2 Lovebyte 2022 Promo Lovebyte and Friends 6.48
3 Lost Ring RottenTeam 5.77
4 Tic-tac-toe sashapont 4.61

LowEnd 256b Intro »

[screenshot of Fool's Mask]
1 Fool's Mask Joker 6.86
2 xtree Joker 6.40

LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of Олень Деда Мороза несет подарки спектрумистам] [screenshot of Нейролень] [screenshot of t0tem] [screenshot of Большой ионизированный новогодний фейерверк] [screenshot of Tramvay] [screenshot of Просим сохранять спокойствие! Ситуация под контролем!]
1 Christmas day 2222 [View screenshot] Vassa 8.33
2 The One and The Only Almighty God 8.09
3 Если веришь, сказка оживёт [View screenshot] Отец хлеба 7.96
4 Просим сохранять спокойствие! Ситуация под контролем! [View screenshot] Mister Robin 7.77
5 Lion Manwe 7.75
6 Tora - the Year of the Tiger Katoyama 7.73
7 Longji Rice Terraces [View screenshot] Retro 7.42
8 GhostMirror [View screenshot] Devstratum 7.29
9 Hermione Katoyama 7.02
10 t0tem [View screenshot] Grongy 6.87
11 Concept Katoyama 6.76
12 Ryu Ga Gotoku [View screenshot] Katoyama 6.72
13 Alice [View screenshot] Katoyama 6.61
14 Senna Katoyama 6.47
15 Druid Quest [View screenshot] Katoyama 6.39
16 Lost Christmas Deer [View screenshot] Katoyama 6.35
17 Олень Деда Мороза несет подарки спектрумистам [View screenshot] Nodeus 6.26
=18 Космический олень и дары волхвов [View screenshot] Роман Русских 6.23
=18 bear shaman [View screenshot] pixelrat 6.23
19 Power of tentacle [View screenshot] Dumpkin 6.18
20 kuda-to [View screenshot] Dumpkin 6.08
21 Into the Bright Future [View screenshot] Grongy 5.98
22 Bad Friend [View screenshot] aGGreSSor 5.95
23 Duel of the Fates - Harry vs Riddle Katoyama 5.94
24 Нейролень [View screenshot] neuroguevara 5.88
25 Retroid [View screenshot] Katoyama 5.70
25 Star Wars [View screenshot] Grongy 5.70
26 Harry & Hermione Katoyama 5.45
27 Большой ионизированный новогодний фейерверк [View screenshot] Art-top 5.32
28 Hello pixelrat 5.26
29 fate [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.23
30 Tramvay [View screenshot] sashapont 4.89
31 Puppy pixelrat 4.63

Realtime LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of РосСценНадзор] [screenshot of testing]
1 РосСценНадзор рекомендует [View screenshot] Nodeus 6.65
2 POV: ты оскорбляешь достопочтенных сподвижников спектрумизма под левым аккаунтом вконтактике [View screenshot] Grongy 6.53
3 testing [View screenshot] pixelrat 6.05
4 Nadziratel [View screenshot] sashapont 5.50
5 РосСценНадзор [View screenshot] Grongy 5.28
6 Ряха спектрумиста-копираста [View screenshot] Отец дедов 4.92
7 Give Me sosisage! [View screenshot] casesoma 4.38

Realtime Paint Over »

[screenshot of Night] [screenshot of Ты лучшая помидорка]
1 dh2022 space view Baragoz 6.86
2 Night [View screenshot] Shuran33 6.67
3 Аисты, ночь, звёздопад noob 6.11
4 paint_over Dumpkin 6.08
5 Gimp fox Роман Русских 5.82
6 net work ppurw 5.59
7 Planet Landscape Milena 5.24
8 Ты лучшая помидорка [View screenshot] Grongy 4.78

Realtime ZX Music »

1 The Winter Gathering MmcM 7.56
2 Fragment 2022 KUVO 7.29
3 hz EA 7.13

Realtime ZX Spectrum 53c Graphics »

[screenshot of Девочка которая кричала "Amiga"] [screenshot of felika] [screenshot of Боевая демосцена] [screenshot of Girlfriend] [screenshot of Рободевочка]
1 Ожидание/Реальность [View screenshot] Grongy 7.28
2 Girlfriend [View screenshot] MmcM 6.54
3 felika [View screenshot] Dimidus 6.15
4 flower queen [View screenshot] waffleB 5.92
4 лол [View screenshot] ppurw 5.92
5 balzamit [View screenshot] bfox 5.91
6 Batterfly [View screenshot] aGGreSSor 5.78
7 Hatsune [View screenshot] Mihhru 5.71
8 Happy New Beer [View screenshot] Milena 5.54
9 Fighting spectrumgirl [View screenshot] Casecoma 5.53
10 Ночь любви [View screenshot] Grongy 5.51
11 Hard choise [View screenshot] KUVO 5.37
12 alcohol and friendz [View screenshot] Milena 5.19
=13 Warm Place [View screenshot] ABK 5.03
=13 Together on Demoscene [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.03
=13 Good girl [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 5.03
14 Do you help me, my girlfriend? [View screenshot] Dumpkin 4.94
15 Рободевочка [View screenshot] Нора Руденко 4.81
16 Подруга дней моих суровых [View screenshot] Mihhru 4.65
=17 Боевая подруга [View screenshot] Milena 4.60
=17 Девочка которая кричала "Amiga" [View screenshot] noob 4.60
18 Пиво + бабы = демо [View screenshot] CHRV 4.54
19 Завоз выставки [View screenshot] Mihhru 4.50
20 Сушеная рыбка [View screenshot] Milena 4.43
21 Боевая демосцена [View screenshot] Amir Nasyri / Excess Team 4.42
22 Anonimka [View screenshot] Flast 3.71
23 all the best [View screenshot] sherhan 3.66

ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music »

1 Not yet sтaр (6ch) KUVO 8.00
2 Long way to DiHalt EA 7.76
3 In 2 channels experience EA 7.39
4 Alien Slaphead Jumperror 6.67
5 DO_NOT_OPEN_THAT_FOKIN_DOOR lampovyï_ninja 6.27
6 Polytechnology Univ. Groove 6.25
7 Nearly there [lil recombination] Scalesmann 6.20
8 Kerb Hazard 5.94
9 The Gifts of the Magi Роман Русских 5.60

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 Freezing Point Shiru 7.51
2 Geostorm Shiru 7.11
3 March Of The BioMech Tufty 7.03
4 drum'n'halt Utz 5.97
5 Rekcart AER 5.76
6 babka_dance AER 5.61

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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