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Chaos Constructions 2021

Chaos Constructions 2021 on Demozoo »

Chaos Constructions 2021

Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia

28th - 29th August 2021

Invitation »

CCGO ErrorSoft

Chiptune Music »

[screenshot of Heritage]
1 Neoclassic experiment Kotsoft 86
2 CompoFiller#3 EA 80
2 DirDel AER 80
3 Heed Me Now MmcM 75
4 Heritage aGGreSSor 71
5 Our Summer aGGreSSor 67

Grave Digger »

[screenshot of GOA 3000]
1 GOA 3000 SerzhSoft 135

Oldskool Demo »

[screenshot of devolver]
1 devolver Stardust 149
2 dushevnoe realtime demosquad 121
3 Bad Apple MSX Pyhesty 120

Oldskool Graphics »

[screenshot of Tree branches at sunset] [screenshot of Kamila] [screenshot of S.W.A.T.]
1 MK [View screenshot] DMan 172
2 S.W.A.T. [View screenshot] Grongy 127
3 Tree branches at sunset [View screenshot] diver4d 156
4 Control [View screenshot] DMan 150
5 ZXMacumba [View screenshot] Fabs 146
5 Cover [View screenshot] Schafft 146
6 Around Balloons Tutty 141
7 FATE aGGreSSor 137
8 Artificial Sight Tutty 136
9 Spaces [View screenshot] pixelrat 119
10 Upgrade Time [View screenshot] Grongy 118
11 Flashes pixelrat 111
12 Kamila [View screenshot] Shuran33 110

Oldskool Tiny Intro »

[screenshot of Tiny intro for tiny CC]
1 Twisterization Doctor Max 160
2 Tiny intro for tiny CC Nihirashi 133
3 CCkAkAlo4kA Tiboh 122
4 Marge Doctor Max / Global Corp ^ Phosphene 118
5 tatar ovich 90
6 No More Living Tiles g0blinish 87

One Scene demo compo »

[screenshot of Hypnotoad Intro]
1 Hypnotoad Intro Nik-O and norduk 146
1 Retrogram Sergey Stepanov 146
3 w1 RKGekk2 130
4 The prncss moronizzz 104
5 Liquid Cool ps 101
6 In thin lines DimGan 96

Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of Sin]
1 Лиса в лесу, завтра на завтрак nihirashka 188
2 Kostyor Error MokiNeko 174
3 Sin [View screenshot] razvedchik 135
4 pereval [View screenshot] Error 132
5 Peknic gribnika [View screenshot] LuzuVeceby 120
6 The sun [View screenshot] The Girl 103

Realtime Music »

1 Forest Realtime Gogin 125
2 doshik v lesu AER 101

Textmode Art Graphics »

[screenshot of Night]
1 Night [View screenshot] pixelrat 124
2 party pixelrat 123

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