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Outline 2021

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Outline 2021

13th - 16th May 2021

Demo »

[screenshot of CCGO]
1 Square One mfx
2 Island Adventure Desire
3 Balls in a Wall Fiture Crew Lamer Section
4 ROMPF Copernicium
5 Oldskool Vibes Dekadence
6 CCGO ErrorSoft
7 Vibrance smfx
8 ColoredFX Buddy and PPS
9 Braincolor Zett Darkstone
10 Lamerkiller The Real Software Insurgents
11 Birthtro 36 Void

Oldskool 128b Intro »

[screenshot of ca64b]
1 Blueprint Marquee Design
2 Xdraw Xtravaganza Deater / Desire
3 coma128b g0blinish
4 ca64b g0blinish
5 Dutch Colors F#READY

Oldskool 256b Intro »

[screenshot of Change Me]
1 Sapere Aude Ilmenit / Agenda
2 Change Me Aki
3 Butterfly Effect xeen / Agenda
4 ST WannaBee F#READY
5 Trampoline Thundax / Xenon
6 Respirator Gorgh / Agenda

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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