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DiHalt 2021

DiHalt 2021 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2021

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

7th - 9th January 2021

LowEnd 256b Intro »

[screenshot of Superform] [screenshot of GleEst] [screenshot of Superform]
1 GleEst bfox 9.37
2 Superform Superogue / Marquee Design 8.81
3 Zen Piesiu and Svoy / Agenda 8.16
4 2033 SerzhSoft 8.00
5 CoRoBars Shiru 7.63
6 Mandelbrot Fractal FORTRAN LOVERS 6.76
7 moroz-no! Adam Bazaroff / Excess Team 6.72
8 ColorMash 64b g0blinish 6.65
9 Crazy Hampster Gorgh / Agenda 6.48
10 Triple Invitation Intro xeen / Agenda 5.58
11 Calctro Frog / Realm Of Illusion 4.96
12 No Copper Sandro 4.90
13 Just Snow Error / ErrorSoft 4.67
14 Kermit the Frog Gorgh / Agenda 4.38

LowEnd Demo »

[screenshot of VOID]
1 VOID Invaders 9.60
2 Bored sibKrew 7.77
3 Boing Ball Manwe 6.06

LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of Funny little men] [screenshot of NAD-M-OZG] [screenshot of Сизиф] [screenshot of Moroz protiv Santy]
1 Rain Mikael / Pretzel Logic 8.94
2 The Raven Outside Tutty / Kpacku 8.56
3 Fear and Loathing in KEMO City [View screenshot] Brightentayle / Debris 8.48
4 Scientist [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 8.15
5 NAD-M-OZG [View screenshot] Devstratum 8.02
6 Grayskull [View screenshot] Almighty God / Level 64 7.62
7 Kookaburra [View screenshot] Dimidrol 7.58
8 Радио-Маяк (Beacon) [View screenshot] ALKO 7.57
9 Witch from Hell Shuran33 7.48
10 Furrball pixelrat 6.46
11 Funny little men [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.74
12 Robocop Rainman / deMarche 5.68
13 Bunny pixelrat 5.32
14 Progulka pixelrat 5.10
15 DerevoNeSpit [View screenshot] sashapont 5.00
16 Krodetsya pixelrat 4.64
17 HNY2021 g0blinish 4.09
18 Moroz protiv Santy [View screenshot] sashapont 4.02
19 Сизиф [View screenshot] Мазилка 2.89

LowEnd Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of di halt deer]
1 di halt deer [View screenshot] Nodeus 8.66
2 Kolyadki [View screenshot] Shuran33 7.15
3 Podarok v trubu [View screenshot] sashapont 5.72

New Year's Intro »

[screenshot of 2021NYgiftro]
1 2021NYgiftro g0blinish 6.09

Realtime ZX Music »

1 WaL'sOk MmcM 8.15
2 Powersword CJ Splinter 7.39
3 FIREWORKS beeper hellraver 6.34

ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music »

1 Everything Will Be Fine Ejkot 7.73
2 Compofiller #1 EA / Antares 6.61
3 Compofiller #2 EA / Antares 6.50
4 [so sad that] covfefe is outta here! Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6.42
5 Tunnels of Light Garvalf 4.04

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 Dark Transit Utz / Irrlicht Project 8.39
2 Hey Beeper! Tufty 8.02
3 Standing Wave Shiru 7.48
4 Repeating Itself Shiru 6.53
5 ZXBITLES.COM hellraver 6.26
6 tune hellraver 5.93
7 Fire2 hellraver 5.70

ZX Spectrum Realtime 53c Graphics »

[screenshot of Баньши-К] [screenshot of Тяжело быть банщиком] [screenshot of Банщик ZX.PK]
1 В тазу [View screenshot] Rainman / deMarche 7.82
2 I'm Bathman! [View screenshot] Mihhru 7.61
3 mon plaisir [View screenshot] toughthrough 7.46
4 Тяжело быть банщиком [View screenshot] Shuran33 6.26
5 Alcoban [View screenshot] hellraver 5.67
6 v bane s venikom [View screenshot] sashapont 5.41
7 Bansheenator [View screenshot] Dovakin 5.29
8 Парку! [View screenshot] Mechta 5.27
9 банщик банит [View screenshot] Amir Nasyri / Excess Team 5.21
10 Банщик ZX.PK [View screenshot] CHRV / NedoPC 5.16
11 Баня, через дорогу раздевалка [View screenshot] Мазилка 4.56
12 Баня, веник...девушка [View screenshot] sherhan 4.00
13 Баньши-К [View screenshot] Flast 3.72

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