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Xenium 2021

Xenium 2021 on Demozoo »

Xenium 2021

Katowice, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland

27th - 29th August 2021

256b Intro »

[screenshot of JUMP!]
1 Picology Marquee Design 151
=2 Hypnotizing Gorgh / Agenda 141
=2 Wiggle Koala / Agenda 141
4 JUMP! Tygrys / 131
5 Blasma Piesiu and xeen / Agenda 128
6 Pterophyllum Altum xeen / Agenda 126
7 Xenium 256b ps 85

Chip MSX »

1 Deorbitation Malfunction / Altair 214
2 AY Machine Pator / Joker 201
3 Goombastic! AceMan / Agenda ^ Dreamweb ^ Resistance 191
4 Melbourne Shuffle Jammer / MultiStyle Labs 183
5 Do Nothing for 3 Minutes Shogoon / Elysium ^ MultiStyle Labs 180
6 Acid Storm MCH / Genesis Project ^ MultiStyle Labs ^ Samar Productions 164
7 N.O.I.R. (Nie OgoliƂem Intencjonalnie Rowa) Chuinho and Shogoon / Elysium ^ MultiStyle Labs 157
8 Bassminer Warp 8 / Phantasy 121
9 500 Minus TZX / Roughness 98

Oldschool Demo »

[screenshot of Dalthonizm] [screenshot of Dalthonizm]
1 Dalthonizm Joker 225
2 Modernation Duskwave 189
3 Landscape of Hope uN aMoR 144
4 Mega Syf 4 Undiagnosed Asperger's Bastards 127
5 Xenium 2021 CrapTeam 114
6 Rubber Soul Faith Design 106
7 CatYa's Birthday BOOM! 80

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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