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MiniGame 2011

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MiniGame 2011


1K Game »

[screenshot of Gangsta City] [screenshot of Pretty Gambler] [screenshot of Wiwo Dido: The Case of the Broken Timemachine]
1 Wiwo Dido: The Case of the Broken Timemachine Dr. BEEP
2 Pretty Gambler Rafal Miazga
3 Bloody Sands Rafal Miazga
4 Gangsta City Rafal Miazga
5 I, Ball Beyker Soft
6 Mazeddy Castle revisited
7 Fkiletatriz Poxoft / uZeroNiq
8 Lost In Maze Tom Dalby
9 Wiwo Dido, the case of Mazeddy's Castle
10 1K Centipede
11 Salen Tan Ricos Antonio Jose Villena Godoy
12 Higgs Boson in the LHC Deanysoft
13 Catch the Cash Tom Dalby
14 Blocky
15 1k Sudoku

2K Game »

[screenshot of 2k RGB Challenge]
1 2k RGB Challenge Tom Dalby
=2 Infestation Rafal Miazga
=2 Muncher
4 Shogun

4K Game »

[screenshot of Tap-n-Join]
1 Fickle
=2 Exodus (Minigame version) dead8088
=2 The Keep
4 Tap-n-Join Tom Dalby
5 Ants
6 Stop Stones Iceout

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