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Forever 2023

Forever 2023 on Demozoo »

Forever 2023

Suchá nad Parnou, Okres Trnava, Trnavský kraj, Slovakia

17th - 19th March 2023

Invitation »

Forever 21 invitation CI5 The Amaters

Realtime »

1 Robots slideshow RM-TEAM and SinDiKat 597
2 Robotic attribute vacuum cleaner Aki 342

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of ROBOT Karel]
1 ROBOT Karel UB880D / SinDiKat 486

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of STOPgenocide]
1 STOPgenocide Invaders and Kitten Rescuers and SinDiKat 620
2 We Are The 8-Bits Hooy-Program 610
3 Ganzfeld Baze / 3SC 605
4 Kremash CI5 The Amaters and MB Maniax 560

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Gilera-DR] [screenshot of Stay on the light side]
1 She [View screenshot] CVM / ZeroTeam 661
2 Boldness be my friend [View screenshot] Dimidrol 627
3 Vesparum [View screenshot] Almighty God 575
4 Tree of Life [View screenshot] Aki 553
5 Gilera-DR [View screenshot] Jaroslava / DR 538
6 Stay on the light side [View screenshot] Unbig / klbd 518
7 Robot [View screenshot] Brzy77 448
8 Vali [View screenshot] Lada / DR 404
9 Autumn [View screenshot] Aki 397
10 Banger [View screenshot] Brzy77 383
11 F2019-F2023 [View screenshot] David / DR 376

ZX Spectrum Music »

1 Forever in Me (Like Waves in the Sea) Aki 570
2 Saturnia Pyri X-agon 540
3 Waiting 4 Robot Lamer Pinky / Invaders ^ Krap Gang 508
4 John z00m / SinDiKat ^ Total Computer Gang 485
5 Cold Heart TDM 461
6 Where You Are LaesQ 420

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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