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Syntax 2009

Syntax 2009 on Demozoo »

Syntax 2009

Melbourne, Australia

31st October 2009

Oldskool Demo »

1 Chase That Feeling A Life in Hell / Warriors of the Wasteland 113
2 Awakening The Force and Triad 105
3 RSIDM Halloween Experience cTrix 100
4 Rasternator ript / Disaster Area 93
5 Hello Kitty Chrome 91
6 Fire139b NF 83
7 Syntax Party Scroller Onslaught 79
8 Syntax 09 - party text scroller Wozza / Cygnus Oz 71
9 Get A Dog (Amiga 1200) Catholics 66
10 QUICK! Andrew :-) 47

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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