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Parties party 2019.1 party 2019.1 on Demozoo » party 2019.1

Warsaw, Warszawa, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

6th April 2019

Invitation »

SPECCY.PL Party 2019.1 Inv

Wild »

[screenshot of SpeccyCityStories] [screenshot of Yellow is the Best]
1 Restless Rains by A. Walacinski CatMan / 116
2 SpeccyCityStories [View screenshot] Ziutek / Ethanol Software Inc ^ 109
3 FlashMix images Monster / GDC 105
4 Never Let You Down by Woodkid ZX Freeq 101
5 Obsession Antony / D.T.A. Software Studio 97
6 What If Sir David / 94
7 AmiParty XXV Invitro CrapTeam 93
8 Sentencye Chicadii 91
9 Yellow is the Best [View screenshot] Mandi / CrapTeam 73
10 Sailing_ship Rasti 59

ZX Spectrum AY Music »

[screenshot of Eleventy]
1 Empty Island Lamer Pinky / Krap Gang 126
2 Shakin' Nibbles V0yager 105
3 Tygrysy na łące Muuuuu 98
4 Eleventy MotionRide 93

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Oxygene 7]
1 Oxygene 7 Stardust 135
2 Yet Another RoToZoomer R-type / GDC 134

ZX Spectrum GFX »

[screenshot of Speccy Heroes] [screenshot of Demonek]
1 The Eyeball Collector [View screenshot] Piesiu / 148
2 Imaginary Dragons [View screenshot] Darklight / Ghostown ^ 144
3 Demonek [View screenshot] At0m / 132
4 Space Inquisition [View screenshot] At0m / 127
5 Speccy Heroes [View screenshot] MotionRide 125
6 I Don't Have Time [View screenshot] Kya / Lamers 118
7 The Speccy night [View screenshot] Rogal 99
8 Discovery [View screenshot] ZX Freeq 91
9 Ogon [View screenshot] Dakti 80
10 Demo [View screenshot] Monster / GDC 63

ZX Spectrum Intro 256B »

[screenshot of Fourmulas] [screenshot of Fourmulas]
1 Brain Waves Joker 164
2 Fourmulas Joker 125
3 Waka Waka Joker 123
4 Hypnosis Monster / GDC 121
5 Voodoo Pink Phonex 100
6 Let's SIN Monster / GDC 86
7 Stripes Monster / GDC 84
=8 Life Monster / GDC 79
=8 Colormesh Monster / GDC 79
9 PI Monster / GDC 76

ZX Spectrum Intro 4KB »

[screenshot of ERZAC]
1 ERZAC 159
2 CrapTeam4k Mandi / CrapTeam 102
3 MAGintro ZX Freeq 49

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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