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MiniGame 2006

MiniGame 2006 on Demozoo »

MiniGame 2006

11th January - 31st October 2006

1K Game »

[screenshot of ZX Bomber] [screenshot of The Well] [screenshot of QA Space] [screenshot of Harry Hedgehog]
1 Gymnopedies Aleksi Eeben 7.80
2 Robot City Thomas Jentzsch 7.09
3 Juggler 1K Prollcoder 6.33
4 Proton Defense Fabrice Frances 6.10
5 Bubbles - Bubble Blaster Prollcoder 6.08
6 Kilodium Aleksi Eeben 6.00
7 Bounced64 Pseudo-Soft Works 5.83
=8 Quatris NorthWay 5.5
=8 The Well Sergio Vaquer 5.5
9 Swimming Germán Gómez Herrera 5.36
10 Harry Hedgehog Rob Pearmain 5.33
11 Mosquis Germán Gómez Herrera 5.18
12 1k Snake Stephane Geley 5.09
13 Knight Jumper Zach Matley 4.82
14 I, Worm 1k Sergio Vaquer 4.67
15 Hot Tiles Charles Grey 4.58
16 ZX Bomber Matt Barber 4.46
17 Vulcano 1K Heaven 4.37
18 1k Space Stephane Geley 4.09
19 QA Space Compiuter 3.82
20 Frantic Diamonds Six / Dark Lords of Chaos 3.75

4K Game »

[screenshot of ZX-Othello]
1 Rainbow Invaders Silvio Mogno 6.83
2 Realms of Quest SE Ghislain 6.75
3 Elav Ice Team 6.36
4 ZX-Othello Matt Barber 6.25
=5 Police Force Germán Gómez Herrera 6.00
=5 D-Fuse Richard Bayliss 6.00
6 Twisty Passages Fred Quimby 5.83
7 Deimos Lander Jerason Banes 5.75
8 Raster Fahndung Simon Quernhorst 5.73
9 Pong Master 4k Haroldo Pinheiro 5.67
10 Space Battle Dave Neuman 5.64
=11 Napolean Simulator Ghislain 5.5
=11 Atari 2600 Soccer Haroldo O. Pinheiro 5.5
12 Zombie Marbles John Doherty 5.44
13 F-4 David Weavil 5.17
14 Squares! 5-11under 5.13
15 Jump or Die Daniel Bienvenu 4.86
16 Bomb Catch Polymath Programming 4.65
17 JetP4k 5-11under 4.63
18 Ants Chris Read 3.46
19 ZYX Chris Read 2.60

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