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Forever 2019

Forever 2019 on Demozoo »

Forever 2019

Horná Súča, Nitriansky, Slovakia

15th - 17th March 2019

Invitations »

Forever 20 Invitation Intro MmcM and Noby Noblnoch
FOReVER 2019 invitation Gemba Boys

Wild »

[screenshot of Regression]
1 Regression Not Affiliated with Gemba 590
2 Brothers In ATRs Backstage Tristesse 550
3 Second Reality AY Gemba Boys 508
4 RUR M1 467
5 Voodoo Poison 404
6 No Good Poison 361

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Tic-Toc]
1 Tic-Toc Daniel A. Nagy 537
2 VA g0blinish 515
3 Dive Gorgh / Agenda 497
4 Plasma1k Busysoft 438
5 To The Moon Martin 1 427
6 Alien FOReVER Busy and CVM and Mike / ZeroTeam 398

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of 70908]
1 70908 Scoopex 593
2 Badabooom Gemba Boys 550
3 Lost Party Invitro 2019 Hellboj and Piesiu and Yerzmyey 367

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of 8bit aliens]
1 Aliens Inside Us [View screenshot] CVM / ZeroTeam 584
2 The Pond [View screenshot] Almighty God / Level 64 526
3 Hete Rocera [View screenshot] Piesiu / 524
4 Cityscape [View screenshot] mborik / RM-TEAM 503
5 8bit aliens [View screenshot] CVM / ZeroTeam 497
6 old crossing [View screenshot] Aki 417

ZX Spectrum Music »

1 Tim Will Rock You Gasman / Hooy-Program 493
2 Aliens: Neoplasma nq 455

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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