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MiniGame 2001

MiniGame 2001 on Demozoo »

MiniGame 2001

9th November 2001

2K Game »

[screenshot of Nibbles] [screenshot of 2001: Tunnel Escape 2]
1 Minima Macbeth and MagerValp and Wyndex 133
2 Magertris MagerValp 114
=3 Nibbles Gasman / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 98
=3 Snake2K Stefano Tognon 98
5 2K Invaders Richard Wilson 97
6 Asteraxis 2K New Generation 94
7 Evil Wizard Pingo 84
8 Cliff Diving shrOOm 80
9 2K Sweeper Of Mines Chill 73
10 Flag Quiz Kojote 64
11 2001: Tunnel Escape 2 Mike Wynne 62
12 Icecave Mystique 59
13 King Of The Road Preview Darren Hatch and Tim Hatch 49
14 I Am The Law Adam Huemer 36

512b Game »

[screenshot of Numb Cars Minimal Edition] [screenshot of Star Wars] [screenshot of Tron256]
1 Star Wars SerzhSoft 121
2 Pacman Tape 113
3 dwCave dW 112
4 Uleaborg Aleksi Eeben 109
5 Tinyrinth Burning Horizon 99
6 Letter Attack Andre Kaesmacher 96
7 Tetris Barfly 93
8 Snake Stefano Tognon 91
9 Sokoban Gasman 88
10 Tron256 Gasman 81
11 Codebreaker White Flame 78
12 Space512 MagerValp 76
13 Tetrattack Wyndex 69
=14 Mini-Centipede Richard Wildey 67
=14 Helsingfors Aleksi Eeben 67
16 Numb Cars Minimal Edition Wocen 63

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