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DiHalt 2018

DiHalt 2018 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2018

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

7th - 8th July 2018

Invitation »

DiHalt 2018 Invitation Q-Bone

LowEnd 1k Intro »

[screenshot of Cubeish Preview]
1 Cubeish Preview Joker 7.32

LowEnd 1kb Procedural Graphics »

[screenshot of Escher]
1 1k_is_pretty_n!ce [View screenshot] bfox 8.95
2 Salvador [View screenshot] Joker 8.58
3 nogfx [View screenshot] nyuk 7.26
4 Escher [View screenshot] g0blinish 5.16

LowEnd 256b Intro »

[screenshot of Grtz only to Diver !!!]
1 Chimp-I-On Fyrex and Kael / mayHem 9.29
2 Grtz only to Diver !!! aTs 7.27
3 invader Denis Grachev 6.70
4 Mozaication Dr. Max / Global Corp 5.55
5 Cls32b g0blinish 4.89
6 pp85 g0blinish 4.69

LowEnd Demo »

[screenshot of Demo Without Twister]
1 Demo Without Twister sibKrew 8.90

LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of redskin] [screenshot of Bird] [screenshot of Masterpiece [of art]] [screenshot of Quiet evening] [screenshot of mister madman] [screenshot of Trump] [screenshot of Дельфин]
1 Vinil [View screenshot] [View screenshot] DMan 8.11
2 En attente d'amoureux [View screenshot] Shuran33 8.02
3 Quiet evening [View screenshot] Taziano Lorenzo 6.84
4 Fearless [View screenshot] Rei Ayanami 6.07
5 да придет спаситель [View screenshot] Antonius 6.00
6 Рыбка [View screenshot] pixelrat 5.98
7 Masterpiece [of art] [View screenshot] Borgee 5.86
8 Treepeople [View screenshot] Oliver West 5.79
=9 One sad silly face [View screenshot] RocketGirl 5.74
=9 Марево над домом [View screenshot] 8bit fan 5.74
10 Роза [View screenshot] sashapont 5.71
11 redskin [View screenshot] Zdenek 5.64
12 Поймал я, значит, рыбку... pixelrat 5.63
13 Pandas [View screenshot] g0blinish 5.45
14 Baby Batman [View screenshot] Rei Ayanami 5.26
15 MUSEUM OF BAD ART [View screenshot] TruarT 5.24
16 subpixel pixelrat 5.15
17 Bird [View screenshot] Petr Nguyen 5.07
18 Trump [View screenshot] Longshooter 4.93
=19 Собака и бобер смотрят на белку на старом дереве [View screenshot] Ida Belova 4.80
=19 Castle [View screenshot] Haked 4.80
20 joooo [View screenshot] Олег Копытов 4.76
21 Здоровенные арбузы! [View screenshot] Nurgo 4.64
22 Диарея с овощей [View screenshot] Vovka / team AmiRUS 4.52
23 Цветочек / Floret [View screenshot] pixelrat 4.51
=24 Укус Анаконды [View screenshot] D.Ivan 4.49
=24 Бурато [View screenshot] Vivan 4.49
25 Растекись поскорее [View screenshot] Владис 4.44
26 Welcome [View screenshot] John Marsh 4.37
=27 песнь о настоящем индейце [View screenshot] PharaO 4.20
=27 Некопия некопии копии [View screenshot] Абсолютный Мастер Всея Некопии 4.20
28 Дельфин [View screenshot] Chember 4.17
=29 Морда-да-да [View screenshot] Vitalino 3.98
=29 Пророки встали в очередь за водой [View screenshot] kolbasa-style 3.98
=30 c demon [View screenshot] lordpxl 3.80
=30 Я Работал [View screenshot] Автор Работы 3.80
31 mister madman [View screenshot] Miloslav 3.73
32 Звезды Сложились [View screenshot] Cosmic stranger of love 3.00

Realtime ZX Spectrum 53c Gfx »

[screenshot of KACCETA] [screenshot of Bender back to DX )))]
1 Vintage competition [View screenshot] shiru8bit 7.44
2 Demo or dacha??? [View screenshot] Sasha Marinova 6.82
3 И в старости не брошу Spectrum [View screenshot] Shuran33 6.76
4 Bender back to DX ))) [View screenshot] AntiBender 6.71
5 нслмлн [View screenshot] pixelrat 6.63
6 Пенсии не будет! [View screenshot] BlastOff 5.68
7 NeverDie [View screenshot] sherhan 4.94
8 KACCETA [View screenshot] Hater / ArtX 4.89
9 Legend of `88 today [View screenshot] Creonix 4.62
10 сценеры на пенсии за ловлей пакменов [View screenshot] Koshi / MGN Group 4.61
11 Последний Дихальт [View screenshot] zedOFF 4.53
12 ZX_oldfarts [View screenshot] Fakin Gerych 4.29

Realtime ZX Spectrum AY music »

[screenshot of Fragment dh-2018]
1 Fragment dh-2018 MmcM 9.19
2 Hrenagment AE 7.23
3 Da-Dum-Tss Nik-O 6.50
DH18 Realtime AY Dihalt Organizers

Wild »

[screenshot of BeeperStack]
1 Video review of stands for ay-cable Модный Синклер 7.40
2 BeeperStack MaLINOWKA PRODUKTIONS and mayHem 7.16
4 Ottifants Hacker VBI / Enhancers team 6.47
5 Amiga Bar Denis Grachev 6.38
6 Davy Jones Rainman / deMarche 6.18

ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music »

[screenshot of Warm Days]
1 Roller Coaster Nik-O 8.46
2 N0MUSIC Fatal Snipe 7.95
3 Warm Days MmcM 7.85
4 Proudly Loneliness EA 7.37
5 SuperMegaHyperTrack :) EA 7.20
6 Classic Songs: Leopold Brandon 6.68
7 doorcallemubugizz altro / The 7th Layer 5.90
8 Bandit Radio zedOFF 4.88

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 Electrostatic Tufty / 1-bit forum 8.17
2 Catching Up Shiru 7.45
4 Show Me 1bit Demo MmcM 6.91
5 Bee Poor MmcM 6.46
6 Trifique Utz / Irrlicht Project 6.44
7 Cuper Marevo Misha Pertsovsky 5.54

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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