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Multimatograf 2018

Multimatograf 2018 on Demozoo »

Multimatograf 2018

Vologodskaya Oblast’, Vologda, Russia

29th - 30th April 2018

8Bit Graphics »

[screenshot of Fishfly] [screenshot of Little Pixy] [screenshot of Skyscraper]
1 Fishfly [View screenshot] Vassa 8.06
2 Skyscraper [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Shuran33 7.85
3 BioEye [View screenshot] Almighty God 7.72
4 Gagarin [View screenshot] DMan 7.68
5 Elektra [View screenshot] DMan 7.67
6 Skybike [View screenshot] Dimidrol 7.52
7 Glitch pixelrat 7.50
8 Взгляд (sight) [View screenshot] aturbidflow 7.35
9 Business Machinist Grip / Onslaught 6.38
10 The Clown MotionRide 6.34
11 15 Robat 6.31
12 Little Pixy [View screenshot] Dovakin 6.27
13 Sugar piece [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.97
14 Noise pixelrat 5.54
15 ЦвеТочек Misha Pertsovsky 4.46
Jealousy [View screenshot] moroz1999

8bit Demo »

[screenshot of Atarin]
1 Marinows Insiders 9.48
2 Qumi Demo Qumi Team and sibCrew 8.48
3 Atarin Techno Lab 8.03
4 In Your Space Sound Demo Excess Team and Strogino PC 7.03
5 CSP 2018 Invitation flushakkr 6.64
6 DiHalt 2018 Invitation Q-Bone 5.92

8bit intro 256b »

[screenshot of Monochrome Dream of Seadragons]
1 multifiller bfox 8.95
2 Monochrome Dream of Seadragons Joker 8.02
3 Kirill Kael / mayHem 8.02
4 4 colors are enough! Adam Bazaroff / Excess Team 6.77
5 raster ovich 5.52
6 mcfun Denis Grachev 5.00

8bit music »

[screenshot of Black Shark] [screenshot of How about envelope, Elon Musk?] [screenshot of H4nd5Up]
1 Black Shark Quiet 8.12
2 Got spacesuit, ready to travel! Nik-O 8.05
3 H4nd5Up MmcM 8.00
4 How about envelope, Elon Musk? Kotsoft 8.00
5 My Kingdom Is On Fire Kubikámi 7.46
6 summer has gone bfox 7.39
7 Devotion Fatal Snipe 7.31
8 away from home EA / Antares 7.07
9 LDaIX AER 6.82
10 Telega never die :) EA / Antares 6.72
11 Yazzie lampovyï_ninja 6.63
12 we never went to the wax moon Scalesmann 6.59
13 SoundShine MotionRide 6.22
14 Jurassic Park (ZX Cover) DJ Max Peroff 5.93

Realtime 8Bit Music Cover »

[screenshot of MF18 Realtime MuSic...]
1 MF18 Realtime MuSic... MmcM 8.65
2 blazeblack wbcbz7 8.24
3 realtime vision lampovyï_ninja 7.89
4 RT on MM'18 EA / Antares 7.54

Realtime ZX 53c »

[screenshot of Star Trek to the Pluk] [screenshot of Want to believe] [screenshot of Planet dance]
1 Буратино is very 0LDsch00L Пацак ! [View screenshot] TmK 9.21
2 По крайней мере я пытался :D / At least I tried [View screenshot] Error 7.38
3 Star Trek to the Pluk [View screenshot] AntiBender 7.35
4 Ku? [View screenshot] Sasha Mar. 6.95
5 Zorg [View screenshot] Creonix 6.88
6 LOG [View screenshot] Rajendra 6.84
7 hello, brothers Patsaci ! [View screenshot] Shuran33 6.56
8 Welcome to the Netherworld, dood! [View screenshot] nepnep 6.16
9 Как меня нашла жизнь на чужой планете [View screenshot] pixelrat 6.00
10 Other world [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 5.98
11 I want to believe [View screenshot] BlastOff 5.98
12 z [View screenshot] Dovakin 5.72
13 Voyage to the Pluk [View screenshot] AntiBender 5.70
=14 Want to believe [View screenshot] Creonix 5.40
=14 Созданная планета / Crafted planet [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5.40
15 Planet dance [View screenshot] Lamer'Gost 5.30
16 Captain Spaceman escapes from the Greengoo planet [View screenshot] nepnep 5.28
17 My world [View screenshot] wbr 4.56

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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