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Syntax 2017

Syntax 2017 on Demozoo »

Syntax 2017

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

25th - 26th November 2017

Graphics - Pixel »

[screenshot of Maryling]
1 Lord of Wild Things Animal Bro and Ilkke 86
2 Maryling [View screenshot] Almighty God 67
3 International Karate Re-Imagined JonEgg 66
4 Bura Hara Rail Slave / EXclusive ON 65
4 Predator jojo073 / AmigaWave 65
6 Terminator jojo073 / AmigaWave 64
7 Leaving Retrovertigo 63
7 Hovertown Jimage 63
9 TimeAndSpace N3XU5 / Onslaught 60
10 Birdwang Jimage and cTrix 56
11 Hail Satin Retrovertigo 51
11 Obatem5 Ray Manta / DataDoor ^ Onslaught 51
13 Planet Sharku Jimage 47
14 8-bit Salad dok 46
15 Vodka Breakfast Bowl Duck And Chicken 44
16 Mornings for scotty Strongbird 43
17 Bild Princess Luna 34
18 C64 Calibration Bars cTrix 28

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