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DiHalt 2006

DiHalt 2006 on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2006

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

29th - 30th April 2006

Best Invitation »

[screenshot of Dihalt 2006 Invitation]
2 Dihalt 2006 Invitation Cyberpunks Unity 6.35
5 ZX Invitation for Dihalt`2006 Time Keeper 4.62

MP3/OGG Music »

1 Over The Dusk VMan 6,17
2 PushDown Kafka / ReHP 6,09
=3 Bright Star CJ Vlam Newman 5,97
=3 Simple Leopart / deMarche 5,97
5 Hell Song Detonator 5,87
6 Relaxxx 26 Neophytus 5,47
7 Deep Space FBY / Soft One 5,43
8 Perhaps it is paradise? MusiKuss / SteelRhyme 5,39
9 Solitary Soul Em(022000) 5,21
10 Space Under the Sea Slash / deMarche 5,15
11 Half-Life2 Soundtrack Ded_MopozZz 5,12
=12 Milky Way Voxel / Triumph 5,11
=12 Smashing By Time sonni 5,11
14 EyeS Ch41ns4w / Drink Lover's Corp 4,85
=15 Between Edges f0x 4,83
=15 Intro Karbofos / Drink Lover's Corp 4,83
17 Inferno Ivan2kSUsr 4,74
18 Ligthsun rus_koks 4,50
19 Alexandra Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 4,21
Untld kynjo
Axiom Kafka / ReHP
Black Smith Ch / Ch208
Broken Hills Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats
from the deck of a steamer Ch / Ch208
RC Ivan2kSUsr
Rybinsk - Kalinigrad - Saturn Simon / Cyberpunks Unity
Jupiter Promus
disq It is armed and dangerous Detonator
disq Lost life (Extended instr mix) LEp
disq Night love and heaven LEp

ZX Spectrum AY Music »

1 Up to God Karbofos / Drink Lover's Corp 6.81
2 From ear to ear nq / Skrju 6.50
3 Last Wish Darkman007 5.78
4 X.T.M. SAV 5.44
5 Pantomima Ghosts Dr.S / Simbols 5.08
6 Moment of Dullness Rkluch 5.00
7 I Saw B-holder Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 4.78
8 Funky Blues Karbofos / Drink Lover's Corp 4.54
9 Be Yourself KYV and Scalesmann 3.68
Kabuki asjhd fdfjh rt C-jeff

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Untitled]
1 Untitled Cyberpunks Unity and Inward 6.71

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Hobo] [screenshot of Lady & Fish]
1 Der Achte Engel [View screenshot] Raynoa 6.65
2 Hellclowns 1,2 [View screenshot] r0m 6.52
3 Unicorn [View screenshot] Liza 6.17
3 Hellclowns 3,4 [View screenshot] r0m 5.56
5 Hobo [View screenshot] r0m 5.31
6 Throughme [View screenshot] Moran 5.07
7 Other World [View screenshot] Johnny 3.86
8 Lady & Fish [View screenshot] Tiboh 3.21

ZX Spectrum TurboAY Music »

1 Dancing Dick Karbofos / Drink Lover's Corp 6.10
2 Long... long... day Voxel / Triumph 5.81
3 Minik KYV and Karbofos and Ryurik 5.50
4 K BaM rOCTu! Alone Coder / Invaders8 5.32
5 Persevering Apostle Dr.S / Simbols 4.94
6 Panic! Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 4.71
7 Say Yeah To Our Friendship, Bro Dr.S / Simbols 4.42
n/a One Step Left Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats

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