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Sundown 2005

Sundown 2005 on Demozoo »

Sundown 2005

Budleigh Salterton, Devon, England, United Kingdom

9th - 11th September 2005

Graphics »

[screenshot of Plop]
1 Logo Frost / Tulou 83
2 Dirty Browallia / Nukleus 72
3 The Shrine Dotwaffle 68
4 Plop [View screenshot] Icabod / Raww Arse 53

Oldskool Demo »

[screenshot of Throw Up]
1 Throw Up Ate Bit 109
2 Pork:Pie Bonkers and Xeron 91

Oldskool Music »

1 Microdot Gasman / AY Riders ^ Hooy-Program 104
2 Wonderful Feeling ne7 / Triad 86
3 Eclipse Reed / Fairlight 85
4 Smash Maktone / Fairlight 73
5 Lonely Rambones 59

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