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Multimatograf 2017

Multimatograf 2017 on Demozoo »

Multimatograf 2017

Vologodskaya Oblast’, Vologda, Russia

29th - 30th April 2017

8 Bit Demo »

[screenshot of multiLove] [screenshot of Ethereal]
1 multiLove deMarche 9.17
2 Definitely Number One aka DNO sibCrew 8.92
3 Ethereal nq and rook 8.17
4 Zeitwerk Bay 6 6.88
5 Sorrow Шынни 6.26
6 Fly 2 Vologda )))) Bender64 3.93
7 128 Wishers 3.66

8 Bit Graphics »

[screenshot of mmGirl] [screenshot of Gomer Runs To MM] [screenshot of Demoscener]
1 Cat [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 8.29
2 Hyperborean Witch KloyanA and TmK and bfox 8.13
3 Demoscener [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 8.04
4 C for Cyberpunk [View screenshot] aturbidflow 8.02
5 Fondness [View screenshot] Dimidrol 6.85
6 mmGirl [View screenshot] Denis Grachev 6.75
7 Gomer Runs To MM [View screenshot] Denis Grachev 6.73
8 Tyrael [View screenshot] Lamer Pinky / Gemba Boys 6.68
9 None of them knew they were robots [View screenshot] moroz1999 6.06
10 h3r371k Adam Bazaroff 6.04
11 undersea world [View screenshot] Buddy / Era CG 5.96
12 Selfie [View screenshot] Шынни 5.27
13 Bilball Shuran33 5.11

8 Bit Intro 256b »

[screenshot of ptnless] [screenshot of rastafiller] [screenshot of ATTR Music]
1 rastafiller Kowalski / Techno Lab 9.34
2 MAKE_it_LOUDER! bfox 9.18
3 SnakeRun g0blinish 7.82
4 Impetus Roll Tiboh / Debris 7.19
5 Le cube sphérique dans un vide Shuran33 and bfox 7.00
6 sidor ovich 6.79
7 pxor wbcbz7 / b-state ^ sibCrew 6.68
8 pl Shiny 6.38
9 RK Kefrens bars DDp 6.34
10 ATTR Music Bay 6 6.28
11 Void Lovebeam / Thesuper 5.66
12 Meteobytes: Treasures from Space Tutty / Paradise 5.12
13 ptnless Tutty / Paradise 4.42
14 Pure Basic Intro 256b Misha Pertsovsky 4.36

8 Bit Music »

1 deadline funk Nik-O 7.96
2 Time Wake Up MmcM 7.52
3 Summer Steps Ejkot 7.31
4 Dizziness Quiet 7.14
5 Chucky the Unlucky C-jeff 7.10
6 Twist of Fate Ysyry / Pungas De Villa Martelli 7.09
7 run without scissors! wbcbz7 / b-state ^ sibCrew 7.02
8 The Fork In the Bus Goes Crazy Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6.72
9 Avril MotionRide 6.67
10 let them get back safe to home Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6.48
11 Pull The Rubber MmcM 6.38
12 Rasputin Ysyry / Pungas De Villa Martelli 6.37
13 Banshee Kubikámi 6.08
14 E3M1 Kubikámi 5.43
14 Mighty Little Soul Solid Nitrogen 5.43
15 Gephest AER 4.96


[screenshot of bay6] [screenshot of bay6]
1 Earthworm Jim Skin 8.64
2 The Simpsons DMan 8.50
3 Wick DMan 7.93
4 in:boxed wbcbz7 / b-state ^ sibCrew 7.29
5 downgrade magazine logo eug! 6.00
6 bay6 [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Diver 5.33
7 Bobik Creonix / Brain Wave ^ Mistigris 5.09

Fast & Wild »

[screenshot of Bulb]
1 Flast and Wild Flast 9.12
2 Очень сложный тест Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 7.68
3 Bulb g0blinish 6.61

Realtime 8Bit Music Cover »

[screenshot of okay, i'm ready now]
1 okay, i'm ready now Nik-O 8.97
2 MF Music Realtime... MmcM 8.48
3 who needs a fork without the spoon anyway? Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6.45

Realtime ZX 53c »

[screenshot of VR-reality] [screenshot of город на топливе] [screenshot of Бессердечная] [screenshot of Dreamed of cyberspace, got a smartphone instead]
1 MatrixPunk [View screenshot] wbr 7.31
2 Ultraviolet [View screenshot] KASik_KACuk 6.77
3 To kill or not to kill? [View screenshot] Marinova Aleksandra 6.66
4 VR-reality [View screenshot] Dovakin 6.63
5 Happiness is here [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 6.47
5 Сквидванатор в Матрице [View screenshot] BlastOff 6.47
6 Мечтают ли овцы об электроандроидах? [View screenshot] mr_r0ckers 6.37
7 Ожидание vs. Реальность [View screenshot] mr_r0ckers 6.13
8 3 эффекта [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.90
9 город на топливе [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5.70
10 radiohead [View screenshot] xak45 5.42
11 Dreamed of cyberspace, got a smartphone instead [View screenshot] echo2 5.20
12 Бессердечная [View screenshot] Ramierlle 5.14
13 My style, my business [View screenshot] Creonix / Brain Wave ^ Mistigris 5.00
14 аля ZX [View screenshot] Dikiy 4.82
15 Emotions [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 4.57
16 неофицальная покупка [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 4.47
17 Not [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 4.13
18 правда о киберпанке [View screenshot] Dikiy 3.96
19 cyberscope [View screenshot] nepnep 3.67

Realtime ZX Paintover »

[screenshot of Eggs]
1 Don`t smoke with banana in tunnel [View screenshot] TmK 7.06
2 Sorceress [View screenshot] moroz1999 6.87
3 Come to DiHalt'2017 [View screenshot] Vinnny 6.80
4 Как я сюда попал [View screenshot] Ramierlle 6.58
5 Eggs [View screenshot] Shuran33 6.30

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