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Paradigmus 2003

Paradigmus 2003 on Demozoo »

Paradigmus 2003

Moskva, Moscow, Russia

28th June 2003

ZX Demo »

1 Dimon128 Maxagor

ZX Graphics »

[screenshot of Madonna]
1 Ruka [View screenshot] Kasik 6.5
2 Gonza [View screenshot] Breeze 4.9
3 Madonna [View screenshot] Breeze 4.5
4 Blue [View screenshot] Exin 4.0

ZX Music »

1 I Want Be Back EA / Antares 6.2
2 Zemfira's 'Macho' Sergey Bulba 4.0
3 Kruto Ty Popal Dr.S / LSG ^ Original Computers Association 3.8
4 Hypno Trance In My Grammophone Alone Coder 3.4
5 Letigan Noise Rain C-jeff / Green Bit Group 3.4

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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