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ArtField 2016

ArtField 2016 on Demozoo »

ArtField 2016

Voronezh, Voronezj, Russia

4th - 5th June 2016

Extreme Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Asteria]
1 Asteria [View screenshot] musminimus 7.46
2 Givi in da clash [View screenshot] Denis Grachev 6.22
3 audi [View screenshot] AndyD 5.80

Realtime Graphics 53c »

[screenshot of i like a nature!] [screenshot of geeks-invaders]
1 Where is my mind? [View screenshot] Marinova Aleksandra 8.21
2 dog [View screenshot] Buddy 7.62
3 Indian Elephant [View screenshot] Buddy 6.86
4 Numero Uno [View screenshot] moroz1999 6.76
5 RoboRabbit [View screenshot] Dovakin 6.49
6 i like a nature! [View screenshot] wbr 6.00
7 ZX-Smile [View screenshot] wbr 5.95
8 geeks-invaders [View screenshot] apeape / Outsiders 5.95
9 tvgirl [View screenshot] Shuran33 5.34
10 numero dos [View screenshot] moroz1999 4.57

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