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Outline 2017

Outline 2017 on Demozoo »

Outline 2017

Willemsoord, Gemeente Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, Netherlands

25th - 28th May 2017

128 Byte Intro »

[screenshot of How it possible 15b?]
1 Mortal Coil F#READY / Atari Invasion 129
2 Routline Harekiet 100
3 Dizzy Desire 61
4 Rotastic HellMood / Desire 57
4 How it possible 15b? g0blinish 57
6 Space-Time Singularity Beauty disturbed by yapping Mother-in-law Kümmel 52
7 Ridiculous BASIC Usage g0blinish 45

Realtime Wild »

[screenshot of Sandstorm]
1 Fivethousandsevenhundredten And One Cloud 5711 128
2 Sandstorm Hooy-Program 108
3 Badge Demo ANUS / deFEEST 81
4 Tiny Sound Planet Alcatraz and BluFlame and Desire and Eos and Fnuque and LNX and Titan 66
5 Last Party 2017 Invitro Tristesse 51
6 바리잣 Limp Ninja 43
7 128 Bytes Of Fun! Thundax / Xenon 39
8 Atari Friends Nir Dary / Atari Invasion 36
9 Hello 128! Thundax / Xenon 35

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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