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Nuotrauka 2001

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Nuotrauka 2001

May 2001

1K Intro »

[screenshot of Nibbles]
1 Nibbles Gasman / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse

ASCII (Leet results) »

[screenshot of I Am Gay]
1 CTL [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 48
2 I Am Gay [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 36
3 Am I God? [View screenshot] Screamer / JMB 33
4 Zilog XXI [View screenshot] Falcon / Kingdom Dreams 30

ASCII (Pop Results) »

[screenshot of I Am Gay]
1 Zilog XXI [View screenshot] Falcon / Kingdom Dreams 585
2 CTL [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 554
3 Am I God? [View screenshot] Screamer / JMB 436
4 I Am Gay [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 368

Graphics (Leet Results) »

[screenshot of Freddy] [screenshot of Integrated] [screenshot of Kanopee]
1 Kin Ship (key la!) [View screenshot] Survivor 82
2 U R Dun [View screenshot] GAS 13 74
3 Kanopee [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 68
4 Beyond Mirror [View screenshot] pROF / Fourth Dimension 62
5 Conan [View screenshot] Drawer / Entire 48
6 Voodoo Men [View screenshot] Psychotron 42
7 Freddy [View screenshot] Sergio / Indigo 38
8 Integrated [View screenshot] Vox / ALC 36
9 Landscape [View screenshot] Oleg Tihomirov 35
10 666 [View screenshot] Falcon / Kingdom Dreams 34
11 Gory & Tuchi [View screenshot] Snake / Partyzans 27
12 Heart666 [View screenshot] Xavier / Eternal Champions 26
13 Fffuck [View screenshot] Voodoo / XTC 13

Graphics (Pop results) »

[screenshot of Beyond Mirror] [screenshot of Heart666] [screenshot of Fffuck]
1 U R Dun [View screenshot] GAS 13 687
2 Conan [View screenshot] Drawer / Entire 679
3 Kin Ship (key la!) [View screenshot] Survivor 659
4 Kanopee [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 611
5 Beyond Mirror [View screenshot] pROF / Fourth Dimension 514
6 666 [View screenshot] Falcon / Kingdom Dreams 509
7 Voodoo Men [View screenshot] Psychotron 493
8 Freddy [View screenshot] Sergio / Indigo 473
9 Landscape [View screenshot] Oleg Tihomirov 472
10 Integrated [View screenshot] Vox / ALC 466
11 Gory & Tuchi [View screenshot] Snake / Partyzans 352
12 Heart666 [View screenshot] Xavier / Eternal Champions 323
13 Fffuck [View screenshot] Voodoo / XTC 264

Music (Leet Results) »

1 Opine Siril / Fourth Dimension 72
2 Dream Girl Key-Jee / Triebkraft 65
=3 It's Timing Vox / ALC 62
=3 Finest Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 62
=3 First Trip Sergant / Fishbone Crew 62
4 Monolithic Flute Justinas / Constellation ^ Serious Makers Group 60
5 Tomas Bata TDM / K3L 59
6 The Different Imagination Nik-O / Techno Lab 53
=7 Hi Flash Inc Klim / Omega Hackers Group 50
=7 Retrochip 1 Gasman / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 50
8 Imperios Dreamer 44
=9 Tipa Acid-Trance Prog Master / Sync Masters CG 39
=9 Remistica SDG / Aspalm 39
10 Baton of Aaron Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 34
=11 Spring Ivan Roshin 32
=11 Se Una Parola Ded Smirnoff 32
12 Two Themes KYV / Constellation 28
=13 30 Years Davos 26
=13 Finish Song Darkman / Constellation 26
14 It Is Space Dj Almaz 24

Music (Pop results) »

1 First Trip Sergant / Fishbone Crew 607
2 It's Timing Vox / ALC 597
3 The Different Imagination Nik-O / Techno Lab 588
4 Opine Siril / Fourth Dimension 569
5 Imperios Dreamer 555
6 Finest Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 548
7 Dream Girl Key-Jee / Triebkraft 541
8 Monolithic Flute Justinas / Constellation ^ Serious Makers Group 535
9 Tomas Bata TDM / K3L 524
10 Retrochip 1 Gasman / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 513
11 Hi Flash Inc Klim / Omega Hackers Group 490
12 30 Years Davos 487
13 Baton of Aaron Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 479
14 Tipa Acid-Trance Prog Master / Sync Masters CG 478
15 Spring Ivan Roshin 457
16 Se Una Parola Ded Smirnoff 429
17 Two Themes KYV / Constellation 414
18 Remistica SDG / Aspalm 414
19 Finish Song Darkman / Constellation 386
20 It Is Space Dj Almaz 354

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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