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Final Shoque 2000

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Final Shoque 2000

December 2000

Technics (jury voting) »

[screenshot of Tibidok] [screenshot of My Army!] [screenshot of Disfigured By Evil] [screenshot of Do U Like?]
1 Keep ZX! [View screenshot] ZSV / Constellation ^ MIU 48
2 Pain [View screenshot] GAS 13 43
3 My Army! [View screenshot] Survivor 42
4 Beccul Main Theme [View screenshot] Blade / Triumph 38
5 Lost [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 37
6 Scream13 [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 33
7 Ree: Forest Warrior [View screenshot] Psychotron / Light Future Group 29
8 Do U Like? [View screenshot] Tae / Sinclair Club 28
=9 Plastik [View screenshot] Ice'Di / Triumph 26
=9 Milla Jovovich [View screenshot] Minisoft / Ascendancy Creative Labs 26
11 Baklan [View screenshot] Tiden / Delirium Tremens ^ Freedom 23
Indik [View screenshot] Ironlord / Mild Group
Leorior [View screenshot] Stanly / Studio Stall
Disfigured By Evil [View screenshot] Pastor / Triumph
Sophy Hapgood [View screenshot] Epanchintsev M.W.
Bounty [View screenshot] Dimidrol / Mild Group
User [View screenshot] Azon / Sinclair Club
Mickey Mouse [View screenshot] Kasik / Sinclair Club
Tremens SiNN / Delirium Tremens ^ Freedom
Tibidok [View screenshot] Spencer Winset / Diamond

Visualise (open voting) »

[screenshot of Best Friend Of Man] [screenshot of Eyeapple] [screenshot of Lost] [screenshot of Harmony] [screenshot of Bounty]
1 Keep ZX! [View screenshot] ZSV / Constellation ^ MIU 1303
2 Do U Like? [View screenshot] Tae / Sinclair Club 1012
3 Lost [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 992
4 Pain [View screenshot] GAS 13 988
5 My Army! [View screenshot] Survivor 975
6 Milla Jovovich [View screenshot] Minisoft / Ascendancy Creative Labs 928
7 Harmony [View screenshot] Ice'Di / Triumph 911
8 Dreams Come True! [View screenshot] Blade / Triumph 887
9 Tibidok [View screenshot] Spencer Winset / Diamond 864
10 Ree: Forest Warrior [View screenshot] Psychotron / Light Future Group 856
11 Scream13 [View screenshot] Kristoph / Constellation 815
12 Disfigured By Evil [View screenshot] Pastor / Triumph 812
13 Eyeapple [View screenshot] Mash / Cyberpunks Unity 797
14 Leorior [View screenshot] Stanly / Studio Stall 788
15 Dura [View screenshot] Kloun / Delirium Tremens ^ Freedom 782
16 Prarie [View screenshot] Ironlord / Mild Group 746
17 Robocop [View screenshot] MyKAT / Sinclair Club 705
18 Indik [View screenshot] Ironlord / Mild Group 675
19 Mickey Mouse [View screenshot] Kasik / Sinclair Club 612
20 Best Friend Of Man [View screenshot] Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program 590
21 Mouse [View screenshot] Stanly / Studio Stall 584
22 Sophy Hapgood [View screenshot] Epanchintsev M.W. 556
23 Bounty [View screenshot] Dimidrol / Mild Group 535
24 User [View screenshot] Azon / Sinclair Club 453
25 Cheerz! [View screenshot] Hellboj / Hooy-Program ^ Phantasy 382
26 Tremens SiNN / Delirium Tremens ^ Freedom 342

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