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Millenium 2000

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Millenium 2000

12th - 13th May 2000

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[screenshot of Knife] [screenshot of Cheevy]
1 The Rage To Overcome [View screenshot] Diver / 4th Dimension 780
2 Take My Soul [View screenshot] Virtual / Scene 688
3 Oni - Japanese Girl [View screenshot] CyberJack / Light Future Group 673
4 Goro - MK Master [View screenshot] CyberJack / Light Future Group 642
=5 Baby [View screenshot] Julia / Triumph 552
=5 Neuronus [View screenshot] Ice'Di / Triumph 552
7 Cheevy [View screenshot] Hannah / Crazytronic 395
8 pwc.18 [View screenshot] G.D. / 4th Dimension 373
9 Knife [View screenshot] Hannah / Crazytronic 316

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1 Madonna: Frozen Mast / Fatality 716
2 Love 'n' Gun: Dossen Andrew Fer / Intentions Matrix 710
3 White Road remix Sexy Potion / Selected Realms 675
4 DNK compoz remix EA / Antares 668
5 Wremix Dj.Wlf / Accept Corp 665
6 Kpum_4TuBo! Nik-O / Techno Lab 637
7 Selin Dion: My Heart Will Go On Siril / 4th Dimension 623
8 Best Remix Xsample / Unit 5 615
9 On igraet na pohoro Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 584
10 Time Is Nothing / Welcome 2 Future Black Groove / Light Future 546
11 Chronos TDM / K3L Corp 538
12 Heart (Amiga Mod) Mr. Bob / Crazytronic 470

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[screenshot of Eruption!] [screenshot of Cyber]
1 Next Target [View screenshot] Fil / Antares 926
2 Wild [View screenshot] Hannah / Crazytronic 776
3 Eruption! [View screenshot] GAS 13 767
4 Titanic [View screenshot] G.D. / 4th Dimension 668
5 Hello Mommy! [View screenshot] Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program 504
6 The Moon [View screenshot] Hannah / Crazytronic 501
7 Cyber [View screenshot] Mike / ZeroTeam 296

NoCopy Music »

1 Suggestive MmcM / Sage 756
2 Millennium EA / Antares 717
3 Sputnik Black Groove / Light Future 648
4 New Year Shov / Accept Corp 638
5 Phoney Phrase Nik-O / Partyzans ^ Techno Lab 637
6 Vomiting inside Snowman / CodeRaizers 606
7 Wopros! Cardinal / Accept Corp 599
8 Son w letnyuyu noch! Dj.Wlf / Accept Corp 593
9 Sad Tune 2 Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program 590
10 Sexy Potion Sexy Potion / Selected Realms 573
11 New Xsample / Unit 5 510
12 Kill The Clone Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 509
13 Isus Kristos remix Ironman 462

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