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Multimatograf 2016

Multimatograf 2016 on Demozoo »

Multimatograf 2016

Vologodskaya Oblast’, Vologda, Russia

30th April - 1st May 2016

53c compo »

[screenshot of Cat's Delirium] [screenshot of Adopt da kitten] [screenshot of Черная кошка - хорошая примета]
1 трехногий котоджонс [View screenshot] TmK 4.38
2 Потерялся [View screenshot] Shuran33 4.31
=3 the cat in the eye [View screenshot] wbr / NotSoft 4.04
=3 Cat's Delirium [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Creonix 4.04
4 Adopt da kitten [View screenshot] Creonix 3.96
5 Механическая кошка [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 3.63
6 Черная кошка - хорошая примета [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 3.50
7 My name is cat. - Спасибо, за вами уже выехали вертолеты [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 3.46
=7 The cat and 4 legs [View screenshot] Marinova Aleksandra 3.46
8 Кот Абрамовича [View screenshot] Dovakin 3.44
9 Four-legged cat [View screenshot] moroz1999 3.41
10 четыре ноги и еще четыре ноги [View screenshot] Flast 3.04
11 cat [View screenshot] Kubikámi 2.93
12 У кошки четыре ноги - ноги семейной пары, её хозяев и друзей. [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 2.81
13 У кошки 4 ноги [View screenshot] g0blinish 2.67
14 У кошки четыре ноги [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 2.48
15 Кошка и её 4 куриных ноги на обед [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 2.33

8Bit Demo »

[screenshot of Rain] [screenshot of 2G]
1 Peppa (party version) Peppa Pig 4.37
2 Rain Life On Mars 4.31
3 OnFire Denis Grachev 4.12
4 DiHalt 2016 Invitation Eye-Q Team and Q-Bone 3.98
5 Coming Soon Free Kosmos MegaDemo Den Popov and g0blinish 3.94
6 MAD wbr / NotSoft 3.51
7 Decodtro - invitro for De:Coded party Hacker VBI and Nik-O 3.50
8 2G Misha Pertsovsky 2.63

8Bit Graphics »

[screenshot of Hardrock] [screenshot of cvsh]
1 Meet Dimidrol 4.43
2 Make The Right Choice TmK / deMarche 4.35
3 Bobby the Katcher Sand / mayHem 4.31
4 Hardrock [View screenshot] DMan 4.13
5 Leon Tzerra 4.05
6 cvsh [View screenshot] prof4d 4.02
7 Wine Vassa 4.02
8 Viva La Revolucion Post-Demoscene! Kubikámi 3.91
9 zX-Files mr_r0ckers 3.63
10 Transformers2 Buddy / Era Creative Group 3.58
11 Look At Me John Norton Irr 3.57
12 Transformers Buddy / Era Creative Group 3.51
13 Шагающая Австралия атакует гусеничную Евразию John Norton Irr 3.26
14 Monroe Kubikámi 2.87
15 Lord VaDeer g0blinish 2.81
16 Place your disorder, please! Ellvis / ZeroTeam 2.67

8bit Intro 256b »

[screenshot of Time To Dance] [screenshot of N.R.A.R.]
1 Star Trail Tiboh 4.20
2 Border Dash ShaMAN 4.19
3 Best Outsiders 4.08
4 N.R.A.R. bfox 4.00
5 GS Test g0blinish 3.63
6 mt g0blinish 3.04
7 Time To Dance Misha Pertsovsky 2.88


[screenshot of BORDER DASH]
1 Another Alien Story Skin / DeZign vts:49 pts:235 avg:4.80
2 MM16 DMan vts:49 pts:212 avg:4.33
3 Till DMan vts:49 pts:212 avg:4.33
4 BORDER DASH [View screenshot] bfox vts:52 pts:210 avg:4.04
5 Dephault Arlequin vts:49 pts:164 avg:3.35
6 No Making, No Fun! Creonix vts:49 pts:151 avg:3.08
7 We Are Partying On The Back Seats Creonix vts:48 pts:118 avg:2.46

Fast & Wild »

[screenshot of Pong]
1 Pong g0blinish 4.40

Paintover »

[screenshot of Nowhere/catastrophe] [screenshot of Мишени и Лучники]
1 Солнце каждому Ramierlle 4.85
2 Nowhere/catastrophe [View screenshot] moroz1999 4.80
3 Cats run the world Marinova Aleksandra 4.22
4 (То чувство) когда ты яростно бьёшь в бубны, потому что не можешь прочитать капчу, ведь ты — робот mr_r0ckers 3.64
5 Трактор Kakos_nonos 3.21
6 Wandering around the park in the scary mask Creonix 3.12
7 Мишени и Лучники [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 2.96

Realtime 8Bit Associating Graphics »

[screenshot of super nyuk brothers]
1 Yuya Got Nkue [View screenshot] moroz1999 4.57
2 super nyuk brothers [View screenshot] Kubikámi 4.07

Realtime 8Bit Music Cover »

1 mf16rtms bfox 4.54
2 Night City Lights Quiet 4.08
3 Beer Fuel Ejkot 3.96
4 cvrmm16 Misha Pertsovsky 3.67

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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