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Phat 1999 (9)

Phat 1999 (9) on Demozoo »

Phat 1999 (9)

Rīga, Riga, Latvia

25th September 1999

ZX 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Fireball]
1 Fireball ZeroTeam 189
2 Killaz Killer Toad 128

ZX Demo »

[screenshot of Bunch Of Arse]
1 Bunch Of Arse Raww Arse 233
2 Crapmo 2 Hooy-Program 132

ZX Graphics »

[screenshot of ;-)))] [screenshot of Discontent]
1 Duality [View screenshot] Hazard / Phantasy 335
2 Flood! [View screenshot] GAS 13 332
3 We Are Rules [View screenshot] Diver / 4th Dimension 271
4 Attack [View screenshot] Wizard / Navy Syndicate 253
5 Sega Monster [View screenshot] Wizard / Navy Syndicate 217
6 Discontent [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 212
7 ;-))) [View screenshot] Grunge / Smash 210
8 T-Rex [View screenshot] Virtual / Scene 200
9 The End Is Near [View screenshot] Relict / Phantasy 195
10 The Larch [View screenshot] Yerzmyey / Raww Arse 157
11 Stockholm City Hall [View screenshot] Ralph / Castor Cracking Group 130

ZX Music »

[screenshot of Tek]
1 We Are Not Children Anymore Jaan / Phantasy 253
2 Elephant Jaan / Phantasy 238
3 Welcome to the looser land Siril / 4th Dimension 219
4 La Futuristic Grahemania Andy Fer / Intentions Matrix ^ Phantom Family 215
5 Free Flight Noize / Phantasy 213
6 Another's Glare - Sketch on the Air Andy Fer / Intentions Matrix ^ Phantom Family 209
7 Moment MmcM / Sage Group 199
8 Fly With Me, To Another World Noize / Phantasy 186
9 Lullaby Mast / Fatality 173
10 Monday Massacre LaesQ / Raww Arse 172
11 Runaway Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 171
12 Wlf Part One DJ Wlf / Accept Corp 159
13 Progulky Po Wode Phantom Lord / Accept Corp 156
14 Tek Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 151
15 Flimbo Quest 2 - C64 X-agon / Phantasy 150
16 PHT Rock Hazard / Phantasy 147
17 Snowblind Al / Phantasy 143
18 Onion Eats Himself Hazard / Phantasy 142

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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