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DiHalt 2016 Lite

DiHalt 2016 Lite on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2016 Lite

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

9th - 11th January 2016

LowEnd 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Zorba]
1 Zorba g0blinish 5.90

LowEnd Demo »

[screenshot of Giftro2016]
1 Happy New Dihalt Excess Team 7.75
2 UnShored Demo Outsiders 6.94
3 Disco Bears Eye-Q Team and Fishbone Crew 6.63
4 Happy New Year 2016 DMan / Placebo 5.00
5 Hype New Year 2016 AAA Band 4.14
6 Giftro2016 Den Popov and g0blinish 4.04

LowEnd Graphics »

[screenshot of ZX Moonwalking] [screenshot of Nutcracker]
1 Miracle Leon / Chorus ^ Resource ^ Singular Crew 7.41
2 ZX Moonwalking [View screenshot] Vassa 6.80
3 Masked Avenger [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 6.50
4 Nutcracker [View screenshot] Tzerra 6.27
5 After [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 4.78
6 Снеговик Lilka 4.31
7 Изгой [View screenshot] g0blinish 3.73
8 IntoNY16 [View screenshot] AER 2.98

Realtime LowEnd Coding »

[screenshot of Tollel]
1 Tollel g0blinish 5.69
2 Mad Lame Attribute Tunnel Tiboh 5.50

Realtime LowEnd Gfx »

[screenshot of Happy MARVEL]
1 Clausman Returns - The Revenge of Deerman [View screenshot] moroz1999 7.41
2 Happy MARVEL [View screenshot] Nodeus 6.23
3 Spider Jerusalem Says [View screenshot] 6.10
4 Fireworks [View screenshot] Vassa 5.33
5 Проблемы новогодних мероприятий в Marvel [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 3.05

ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music »

[screenshot of Winter Frosts] [screenshot of Joy in Sadness]
1 Winter Frosts MmcM / Sage 7.45
2 Dream Catcher Quiet 6.78
3 losing the reason Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6.00
4 XCSPRCSS Kubikámi 5.47
5 Malinovka_Moroz AER 4.81
6 Joy in Sadness Garvalf 4.41
7 House with the ghosts White Noise 4.40

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

[screenshot of Red Sector Intro]
1 Struggle Shiru 6.70
2 Frozen Flames Irrlicht Project 6.14
3 Sinichka AER 5.89
4 Space Beeps Tufty 5.71
5 Red Sector Intro Abrimaal 4.93
6 Bourrasques Garvalf 4.93

ZX Spectrum Realtime 53c Graphics »

[screenshot of Hello to prof4d] [screenshot of Футбол в космосе] [screenshot of Virtual 2216]
1 Run. XY-7769-8546-542-22. run! [View screenshot] apeape / Outsiders 6.62
2 Robolympics [View screenshot] moroz1999 5.90
3 Competition of the Jedi (May the Force be with you) [View screenshot] Marinova Aleksandra 5.75
4 Желтый! Розовый [View screenshot] rnR 7E0 5.54
5 Синхронное плавание в жидком азоте [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 5.38
6 Hello to prof4d [View screenshot] moroz1999 5.24
7 ожидание [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5.22
8 Футбол в космосе [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 4.79
9 Wallking Olimpiade [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 4.68
10 Virtual 2216 [View screenshot] Flast 4.17
11 Накаченные пальцы [View screenshot] Flast 4.11
12 особенности нац. олимпиады [View screenshot] Rainman / deMarche 4.00
13 Гара Алимпъ 2216 [View screenshot] rnR 7E0 3.21
14 Olympic games: LVDildo 2216 [View screenshot] g0blinish 3.08

ZX Spectrum Realtime Music »

[screenshot of Hibernation]
1 Hibernation MmcM / Sage 7.86
2 Did it twice nq / Skrju 6.61
3 Crazy Jesus Quiet 5.32

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