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Sochiparty 2015

Sochiparty 2015 on Demozoo »

Sochiparty 2015

26th February - 1st March 2015

ZX Race GFX »

[screenshot of V stands for Victory] [screenshot of truck (unfinished)]
1 Lyle-Geo [View screenshot] Nodeus 7.82
2 Racing [View screenshot] Vassa 7.21
3 V stands for Victory [View screenshot] mr_r0ckers 6.89
4 F1 [View screenshot] DMan 6.68
5 Devil rides to hell after work [View screenshot] moroz1999 6.13
6 truck (unfinished) [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5.00
7 Fettari [View screenshot] Denn 2.08

ZX Race demo »

[screenshot of AfterParty]
1 AfterParty g0blinish 5.30
2 ZX.EVOLUTION.F1 Denn 4.27

ZX Race music »

1 sckretcsh wbc / b-state 8.06
2 [riding] alone in th dark Scalesmann 6.33
3 love, police, peace Scalesmann 6.06
4 S.I.M.O.N 1994RD Brightentayle 5.89

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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