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Multimatograf 2015

Multimatograf 2015 on Demozoo »

Multimatograf 2015

Vologodskaya Oblast’, Vologda, Russia

24th - 26th April 2015

53c Gfx »

[screenshot of Rose] [screenshot of Edaaaa]
1 Страх и ненависть на севере [View screenshot] Marinova Aleksandra 165 4.34
2 Surf's up! [View screenshot] mr_r0ckers 156 4.00
3 Edaaaa [View screenshot] Flast 127 3.34
4 Mopas at north eat earch [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 118 3.28
5 Pingvin-Dreams [View screenshot] Flast 121 3.27
6 Cold Nose [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 121 3.18
=7 Olene Holyday! [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 112 3.03
=7 Над океаном между льдин на турнике вишу один.. [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 112 3.03
- Rose [View screenshot] Buddy and Era CG

8Bit Demo »

[screenshot of Stellar]
1 Alien Demo Kabardcomp and Team Site 234 4.33
2 Stellar Kpacku 226 4.19
3 Back to Basics Bay 6 213 4.02
4 The Last Star Byter Misha Pertsovsky 195 3.68

8Bit Graphics »

[screenshot of Shagoferma Goes To Portal] [screenshot of Dragon]
1 Disco [View screenshot] Dimidrol 262 4.60
2 Dragon [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Tzerra / Era CG 246 4.10
3 Wild West [View screenshot] Buddy / Era CG 249 4.08
4 Flyer Bender64 216 3.93
5 Party Sprinter [View screenshot] TmK / deMarche 225 3.88
6 Moto [View screenshot] [View screenshot] Tzerra / Era CG 232 3.87
7 Кот и солнце [View screenshot] Andrew Curds 231 3.79
8 Batman — Arkham Legend [View screenshot] Nodeus / Light Future 199 3.37
9 Shagoferma Goes To Portal [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 178 3.18
10 Love Is Lamp [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 157 2.75
11 After Forest [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 150 2.68
12 ANSI Hype [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 137 2.58

8bit Intro 256b »

[screenshot of RASTRBRS]
1 James Cox Fractals Tiboh / Debris 246 4.24
2 Color Waves Kotsoft 239 4.12
3 mmf Buyan 223 3.91
4 RASTRBRS diver4d 208 3.59
5 qr Lvd / mayHem 180 2.95

8bit Music »

[screenshot of Man of Art] [screenshot of Move your ass, Move your scener's ass!]
1 Man of Art MmcM 243 4.26
2 Move your ass, Move your scener's ass! D.J. Kot 223 4.13
3 Ping AER 226 3.96
4 Comely Rosette (lounge vers.) nq / Skrju 222 3.96
5 Napalm Loadertune wbc / b-state 214 3.82
6 Someday Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 217 3.81
7 Shining Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 214 3.75
8 User AER 198 3.60
9 Barbarian Tayle / Debris 198 3.60
10 Trashmatic wbc / b-state 190 3.45
11 Электричка White Noise 164 3.04

Fast & Wild »

[screenshot of Вологда через 256 лет]
1 Вологда через 256 лет Misha Pertsovsky 154 4.28
2 #vologda8df wbc / b-state 118 4.07
3 Vologda DMan 130 3.71
4 ZXV Shuran33 110 3.33

Paintover »

[screenshot of Tribute to Y]
1 Toads Vassa 195 4.64
2 Tribute to Y [View screenshot] moroz1999 165 4.02
3 Датчик природы John Norton Irr 149 3.63
4 Stone Age Kakos_nonos 142 3.55
5 Рыбная ловля Misha Pertsovsky 143 3.49

Realtime ZX Graphics »

[screenshot of Flash Delivery] [screenshot of Harry inside the box]
1 No post for Harry [View screenshot] moroz1999 186 4.33
2 Flash Delivery [View screenshot] Buddy / Era CG 188 4.09
3 Почта Российского Хогвартса [View screenshot] Tzerra / Era CG 177 3.85
4 Почта России доставляет письма из Хогвартса [View screenshot] Vassa 162 3.77
5 Marka [View screenshot] Shuran33 160 3.72
6 Hogvpost [View screenshot] Nodeus 157 3.57
7 Винни-Почта-России [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 150 3.49
8 Harry Potter receives his prizes from DiHalt 1999 [View screenshot] Tayle / Debris 145 3.37
9 Harry inside the box [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 92 3.29
- Под водой Мариам Эллауи

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