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3BM OpenAir 2015

3BM OpenAir 2015 on Demozoo »

3BM OpenAir 2015

Perm Krai, Perm, Russia

10th - 12th July 2015

Invitation »

Back to Basics Bay 6

Enhanced Demo »

[screenshot of UnHinged]
1 UnHinged Hacker VBI 7.61

ZX Spectrum Basic Demo »

[screenshot of ff]
1 Silent Attraction Bay 6 9.07
2 video_pro_bas Misha Pertsovsky 7.36
3 ff G.D. 6.68
4 Lines In Song Kabardcomp 5.81
5 3BM Heartbeat Nodeus 5.64
6 Border3col Misha Pertsovsky 4.15

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Eager (to live)]
1 Eager (to live) Life On Mars 8.69
2 Guardians of the Scene Kpacku 7.21
3 Doing Kabardcomp 6.91
4 Mapped Show Misha Pertsovsky 4.45

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Goropic] [screenshot of The Intruder] [screenshot of Drunk kung-fu]
1 Bat2Con Tutty 8.33
2 Amur Tiger Dimidrol 7.88
3 Banka [View screenshot] Kasik 7.74
5 Drunk kung-fu [View screenshot] Buddy 7.42
6 The Split Foundation [View screenshot] Tayle 7.41
7 Fuck the system [View screenshot] G.D. and pROF 7.12
8 Monstro [View screenshot] Vassa 6.78
9 Gungirl [View screenshot] DMan 6.19
10 Biker [View screenshot] Tzerra 6.07
11 The Intruder [View screenshot] mr_r0ckers 6.07
12 Samurai [View screenshot] DMan 5.64
13 Goropic [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5.25

ZX Spectrum Music »

[screenshot of Summertime] [screenshot of Candlemixx]
1 Three Bad Mice Luchibobra 8.10
2 Summertime MmcM 7.93
3 Isglass wbc / b-state 7.72
4 The Citadel Tayle 7.41
5 Chip Night Scalesmann 6.82
6 Beeper Cigar Kakos_nonos 6.19
7 Spanish Candy Scalesmann 6.14
8 Candlemixx Abrimaal 5.63
9 сросшиеся балансирующие камни в пустыне John Norton Irr 4.78

ZX Spectrum Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of Bad Weather - No Power on Party] [screenshot of Крути быстрей, а то демы лагают]
1 Не столь отдаленное будущее [View screenshot] Vassa 8.18
2 Medieval pixel compo [View screenshot] moroz1999 7.32
3 Bad Weather - No Power on Party [View screenshot] Time Keeper 6.29
4 No Light [View screenshot] DMan 6.08
5 Bad Weather - Bad DiHalt [View screenshot] Time Keeper 6.00
6 ck0M0p0x [View screenshot] Tayle 5.72
7 Крути быстрей, а то демы лагают [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 5.56
8 Пати без электричества [View screenshot] Misha Pertsovsky 5.42
9 Электрошокер (Taser) [View screenshot] Vinnny 4.68
10 da-da [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 3.65

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