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3BM OpenAir 2014

3BM OpenAir 2014 on Demozoo »

3BM OpenAir 2014

Perm Krai, Perm, Russia

11th - 13th July 2014

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Kung Fu] [screenshot of Black Adolf In Black Bunker Room] [screenshot of спутаница] [screenshot of aRT iS fUN]
1 Phantis [View screenshot] Mac 8,44
2 Good Morning [View screenshot] Dimidrol 8,43
3 Wood [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 8,41
4 Fuck the color clash [View screenshot] Michael Assbender 7,13
5 Zee Captain [View screenshot] Mr. Bungle 6,97
6 Medieval Sunset [View screenshot] Shadow Maker 6,92
7 спутаница [View screenshot] Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 6,24
8 b62 [View screenshot] Vassa 5,92
9 PartycAtE [View screenshot] Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 5,43
10 MVC 50 percents [View screenshot] Tutty 5,38
11 Kung Fu [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 4,92
12 aRT iS fUN [View screenshot] Mchanga 4,63
13 Flying City [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 4,61
14 Feelings Mchanga 4,44
15 Jackie [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 4,16
16 Strange Progress [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 4,03
17 Black Adolf In Black Bunker Room [View screenshot] Mchanga 3,14
18 Erosion [View screenshot] Ellvis 3,00
19 Dudistor [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 2,79

ZX Spectrum Intro/Demo »

[screenshot of Dance Guide]
1 Andy W. 50% Life On Mars 8,21
2 3bmtb (party version) Fatal Snipe and Nodeus and tbk45 7,13
3 ukulele Brandon and Trefi and Tutty 6,63
4 Dance Guide Den Popov and g0blinish 5,59
5 Natasha Kabardcomp 3,72

ZX Spectrum Music »

[screenshot of GoTaY] [screenshot of Drink For Peace Drunk For ART] [screenshot of Will party for funk!]
1 Drink For Peace Drunk For ART Rob F. / Entire Group 8,09
2 SuNny dAys MmcM / Sage 7,61
3 Synthmania11 Tayle / Debris 7,57
4 Will party for funk! nq / Skrju 7,07
5 Rythme Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 6,32
6 Funky Summer Gibson 6,30
7 Forest Path Tayle / Debris 6,22
8 Beyond The Road wbc / Lazy Softmakers Alliance 6,07
9 Ayakashi of a Foreign Land Tayle / Debris 5,61
10 Medical Acceleration Kakos_nonos 5,46
11 GoTaY Nodeus 5,31
12 Vortex of God Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 5,17
13 City Walking John Norton Irr 3,48

ZX Spectrum Realtime Graphics »

[screenshot of What is bad weather] [screenshot of Choose of rain and mech]
1 The Sky Is Burning [View screenshot] Tayle / Debris 8,00
2 Oh no! [View screenshot] DMan 6,35
3 Choose of rain and mech [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 5,22
4 Meteorite weather [View screenshot] wbc / Lazy Softmakers Alliance 4,23
5 Rain in my head [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 3,36
6 Dont Wayt Summer [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 2,86
7 What is bad weather [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 2,83

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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