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Chaos Constructions 2014

Chaos Constructions 2014 on Demozoo »

Chaos Constructions 2014

Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia

29th - 31st August 2014

Wild Demo »

1 Forth DemoTool Ivanq and Manwe 155
2 ducks not forgive Kabardcomp 142
3 Jacque Fresco: Science and War nitrofurano / no 83

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Sinofrenia]
1 Sinofrenia Kotsoft / no 74

ZX Spectrum 640K Demo »

[screenshot of Kpacku]
1 Kpacku Kpacku 128
2 PAST Den Popov 101
3 Cat Haiku g0blinish 78
4 Greetings From A Stormy Beach Crash Nicker 67

ZX Spectrum AY-Music »

[screenshot of Sid and Nancy]
1 misfire Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 85
2 Ashes of Dreams MmcM / Sage 83
2 calling Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 83
4 Ending Darkman007 / Quite 69
5 Buzzing Brazzing wbc / Lazy Softmakers Alliance 68
6 Sid and Nancy aGGreSSor / Cyberpunks Unity 63
7 Arabian swim Kakos_nonos 49

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 Heavy Phaser Darkman007 / Quite 97
2 go away stupid flamers Kakos_nonos 86
3 reasonably accurate Irrlicht Project 78
4 Bit_Energy AER 72
5 Waking up in mountain John Norton Irr 46
5 night with castle and roof John Norton Irr 46

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Into the Forest] [screenshot of Flame and blood]
1 Flame and blood [View screenshot] Nodeus 230
2 Our Life... aGGreSSor / Cyberpunks Unity 194
3 Anything Is Possible [View screenshot] Dubmaster 185
4 My World [View screenshot] Trixs 180
5 Into the Forest [View screenshot] Vassa 169
6 Bender [View screenshot] DMan / Placebo 168
7 Fisher [View screenshot] Dimidrol 165
8 My Name Is Mud [View screenshot] Fakie 138
9 Return [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 110
10 Increased Soil By Energy [View screenshot] John Norton Irr 98

ZX Spectrum Tiny Intro (256b) »

[screenshot of DisXORtid]
1 Plasma is possible! Den Popov 89
2 DisXORtid g0blinish 86

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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