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DiHalt 2014 Lite

DiHalt 2014 Lite on Demozoo »

DiHalt 2014 Lite

Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizjnij Novgorod, Russia

5th January 2014

Realtime ZX Spectrum Code »

[screenshot of Pix3]
1 Some Fucking Shit Lis O'Kryl / Therac-25 5.70
2 Pix3 Alone Coder / NedoPC 4.56
3 Fall of Snow Tiboh / Debris 4.40

Realtime ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Ded Moroz1999 Doesn't Like You Being Drunk D=]
1 Feast [View screenshot] Ansy / NedoPC 7.70
2 Ded Moroz1999 Doesn't Like You Being Drunk D= [View screenshot] nix. / Site 4.00
3 Holiday comes to us [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 2.90
4 Goblin [View screenshot] AAA / AAA Band 2.70

Realtime ZX Spectrum Music »

1 Crescendolls nix. / Site 5.29

ZX Spectrum 1024b Intro »

[screenshot of Brix]
1 LavaLight'2014 SerzhSoft 6.25
2 Brix g0blinish 3.66
3 Keftale g0blinish 3.58

ZX Spectrum AY/YM/TurboAY Music »

1 Happy New Year Speccy MmcM / Sage 6.70
2 Past Moran / Cyberpunks Unity 6.50
3 Dance Hacker VBI 5.50
4 Bladin Brightentayle 4.60
5 TORUM2 Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 3.20

ZX Spectrum Beeper Music »

1 Chromospheric Flares Mister Beep 8.08
2 Battlefield Insanity Mister Beep 7.33
3 Robocop 3 Title Theme Brightentayle and nix. 5.83
4 Joe Shmoe in Rio Brink 5.58
5 SaveMyHeart AER 5.25
6 Vaaardenduda Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 4.83
7 Kalama musi ike Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 4.25
8 machX?aka_this_is_not_tritone Irrlicht Project 2.83
9 qwer John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 2.33
10 Zavihration John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 1.67

ZX Spectrum Border Intro »

1 Chess (1) g0blinish 3.83

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Heart Megademo (Party version)]
1 NedoDemo 2 Alone Coder and Hooy-Program and mayHem 7.73
2 Heart Megademo (Party version) AAA Band 5.50
3 Happy New Year 2014 FutureShock 3.92
4 Happy TOTOP Kabardcomp 3.42
5 Happy New Tear 2014 g0blinish 2.92
6 TIRR John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 2.00

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Vikings] [screenshot of Screen Come True] [screenshot of Zema]
1 Vikings [View screenshot] Dimidrol 7.20
2 Screen Come True [View screenshot] Trixs 5.90
3 Now Sing [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 5.70
4 Koshmariki [View screenshot] Lilka 5.20
5 Joe Shmoe in Rio [View screenshot] Brink 4.70
6 Hummer Wishes You Happy DHL2014 [View screenshot] nix. / Site 4.50
7 Dawn [View screenshot] Aki / Gembaboyz ^ Hooy-Program 3.50
8 Dream [View screenshot] Lilka 3.20
9 Admin with Plusomyot [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 2.70
10 Flying Dutchman [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 2.18
=11 Make demos, not flame at [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos / Kabardcomp 2.10
=11 Derzhan ohnov [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 2.10
13 Zema [View screenshot] John Norton Irr / Kabardcomp 1.91

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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