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ZX AAA Compo 2013

ZX AAA Compo 2013 on Demozoo »

ZX AAA Compo 2013

22nd - 28th April 2013

Demo »

[screenshot of OSOM] [screenshot of Satan]
1 Old Skool Coding Old School Style (OSCOSS) Entire 8.35
2 The Board II Alone Coder and Hooy-Program and mayHem 8.24
3 Dozen Megademo Hacker VBI 6.47
4 OSOM g0blinish 4.99
5 Scrololo Mr. Scrololo 4.50
6 Preview AER 4.41
7 Satan ALKO 4.32
8 First Demo Kakos_nonos 3.67

Graphics »

[screenshot of Survivisection II] [screenshot of Haosmen] [screenshot of To Meet With White Stars]
1. HA_DHIWE [View screenshot] Robat 7.50
2. Fishing [View screenshot] Dimidrol 7.25
3. Exolon [View screenshot] Diver / 4th Dimension 7.06
4. Majokko [View screenshot] Wizard 6.42
5. The Legend Of Darkmoon [View screenshot] MaDMaX 6.30
6. To Meet With White Stars [View screenshot] Nodeus 5.91
7. Cats [View screenshot] Razer 5.85
8. SOUP [View screenshot] Crazy Masters 5.31
9. Cyber [View screenshot] ALKO 5.30
10. Alarma [View screenshot] Seth 4.68
11. Survivisection II [View screenshot] Alex Clap 4.56
12. Haosmen [View screenshot] Moran 4.30
13. My Little Pony [View screenshot] Kakos_nonos 4.27
14. Там где нас нет [View screenshot] Kostet 3.51
15. Gepard [View screenshot] ALKO 3.43
16. xyeTa [View screenshot] D.R.Y. 3.07

Music »

1. Mission Andromeda Splinter 7.68
2. Arcane Zone Part 2 Yerzmyey 7.27
3. Minimoog r10 Husmann 7.00
4. Anisotropy Yerzmyey 6.32
5. Strange Love DM Cover Nodeus 6.09
6. Into My Head Scalesmann 5.99
7. When the smoke is going down Kakos_nonos 5.12
8. Beep Step AER 4.92
9. Must Die For Life Moran 4.90
10. Purple AER 4.58
11. Wham AER 3.44

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