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ArtField 2008

ArtField 2008 on Demozoo »

ArtField 2008

Voronezh, Russia

6th December 2008

Invitation »

City [View screenshot] Kasik / Sinclair Club

Pixel Art »

[screenshot of NostalgyLogo] [screenshot of It's Show Time]
1 Gone With The Wind [View screenshot] Vassa 26
2 6_12_08 [View screenshot] Marina Chernik 19
3 It's Show Time [View screenshot] Eugene Ilyasov 16
4 For You!! [View screenshot] One-Man 15
5 Elephant [View screenshot] Blaz and Shade 11
6 TV [View screenshot] Sag 10
7 Haskat [View screenshot] Azon / Sinclair Club 10
8 Grib [View screenshot] Dmitry Ilyasov 10
9 Автомобиль [View screenshot] Dmitry Rudnev / Computer Circle 9
10 Sea [View screenshot] Hawk 8
11 NostalgyLogo [View screenshot] Julia 7

Realtime drawing »

[screenshot of Homecomp]
1 Homecomp [View screenshot] Eugene Ilyasov 21
2 My Life [View screenshot] Flast 17
3 binary [View screenshot] MiC / Virtual Vision Group 12
4 01 [View screenshot] Azon / Sinclair Club 9
5 Z80 fan [View screenshot] Roman Putintsev 9

Synthesised Music »

1 Space Ceeroy 19
2 KUBQKA 5 Mary Slip / Otto Dix 14
3 Sunday D-Juice 10
4 ObOlEnSk Mitchell / Hardwave Crew 9
5 Что сравнится с юностью JeRrS 8

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