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Raww.orgy 2009

Raww.orgy 2009 on Demozoo »

Raww.orgy 2009

Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom

6th - 8th February 2009

256b Intro »

[screenshot of BITS 3000] [screenshot of Alone Pixel II]
1 Mangy3 Debris 43
2 Brainwasher Dox 36
3 Starlet Guitarlet Gasman 34
4 No Signal Shiru 28
5 RGB Dox 27
6 Alone Pixel II Tygrys / AYLand 24
7 There's no any ideas, just some greets bfox 23
8 Where Is My Gas? Tygrys / AYLand 15
9 Zerodivide Skrju 0
late entry BITS 3000 BITS

AY Music »

[screenshot of Deep Down Under]
1 Deep Down Under z00m / Total Computer Gang 37
2 Rising Force Karbofos 36
3 throughTheGod'sLove Dr.S 34
4 SQ-Tracker Aki 32
5 Haus-Haus Slip 28
6 Neverhood JeRrS 21

Graphics »

[screenshot of ZX Cyber] [screenshot of Exit]
1 ZX Cyber [View screenshot] Trixs 43
2 Biplane [View screenshot] pROF / 4th Dimension 38
3 Moriturus [View screenshot] Dimidrol 37
4 Death [View screenshot] Sag 30
5 Exit [View screenshot] Sag 28
6 MARe [View screenshot] Blaz and Shade 25
late entry Untitled [View screenshot] BITS

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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