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Forever 2013

Forever 2013 on Demozoo »

Forever 2013

Horná Súča, Nitriansky, Slovakia

13th - 15th March 2013

Invitation »

Forever 14 Invitation Intro Gemba Boys

Mixed Platform Wild »

1 Atari kinect vision Jookie 439
2 Kiss Kill preview Gasman 420
3 Retro kinect present Jookie 357

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of 3D vectors 1kB]
1 3D vectors 1kB Busy and Noro 450
2 Variations Shadow / Noice 430
3 Colorix 1k mborik / RM-TEAM 390
4 FneqP Hellboj / Hooy-Program 379
5 Senseless 256 bytes g0blinish 212
6 logo 1k Ellvis / ZeroTeam 210

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of New Wave 48K]
1 We are alive! Gemba Boys 475
2 New Wave 48K Alone Coder 378

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Samara in the forest of Slenderman]
1 Sir Clive Presley [View screenshot] CVM / ZeroTeam 429
2 Samara in the forest of Slenderman [View screenshot] LCD 390
3 We Are Alive! [View screenshot] mborik / Gemba Boys 357
4 3d Torus [View screenshot] Nairam 345
5 Forested 2x|720 [View screenshot] Brightentayle 313
6 Illusion [View screenshot] LCD 240

ZX Spectrum Music »

1 FOR EVERYone Lamer Pinky 456
2 Lengyel LiSU 374
3 Second Day Uptown Aki / AY Riders ^ Gembaboyz ^ Hooy-Program 369
4 Inspiration mborik / RM-TEAM ^ SinDiKat 339
5 Echology Noro 317
6 we will never go to the place where we were young... Scalesmann / March[ing] Cats 301

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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