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Forever 2000

Forever 2000 on Demozoo »

Forever 2000

TrenĨiansky kraj, TrenĨiansky, Slovakia

17th - 19th March 2000

Realtime »

1 Curly 2 Aki / K3L Corp 67
2 Zero Divide Mike / ZeroTeam 55
3 Jump and Rum Allitaice 42
4 TDM Real TDM / K3L Corp 41
5 Haluzky Baze / 3SC 32

ZX Spectrum 1K Intro »

[screenshot of Sinergy] [screenshot of Shitro]
1 Artifice Ravager and SerzhSoft 108
2 Madrielle Gasman / Raww Arse 96
3 Mathricks 3SC 77
=4 1024b. Intro Mr. Bob 3
=4 Shitro Dron / K3L 3
=6 Lammer On Z80 Hellboj 0
=6 Alcohological ZeroTeam 0
=6 1024 intro ZeroTeam 0
Sinergy Ivan Roshin

ZX Spectrum Demo »

[screenshot of Forever2k Demo Trapas! (FDT)]
Bobering 2000 Syndrome
BASICdemo Shimi / exESA
Forever2k Demo Trapas! (FDT) K3L Corp

ZX Spectrum Graphics »

[screenshot of Defender of Spectrum] [screenshot of Dragon] [screenshot of Goblin] [screenshot of To The Sky]
1 Don't Pass By [View screenshot] GAS 13 79
2 Robin [View screenshot] Agyagos 56
3 Alone [View screenshot] Diver / 4th Dimension 51
4 Flux [View screenshot] Jorg / Selected Realms 38
5 To The Sky [View screenshot] G.D. / 4th Dimension ^ IMD 16
6 Matrix [View screenshot] Paracels / Eternity Industry 9
7 Bloody Razor [View screenshot] Virtual / Scene 2000 7
8 Cat [View screenshot] G.D. / 4th Dimension 6
9 Disk Protection [View screenshot] Madman / Computer Rats Group 5
10 Eddy X [View screenshot] Demiurge Ash 4
=11 Chertilo [View screenshot] Kristof / Constellation 3
=11 Defender of Spectrum [View screenshot] Tiger's Claw 3
=13 A not complete fish [View screenshot] Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 2
=13 Arab [View screenshot] Habib / Hooy-Program 2
=15 Dragon [View screenshot] Hannah / Crazytronic 1
=15 Tom & Jerry [View screenshot] Fanat and Serzh 1
=17 A Man With 2 Big Limbs [View screenshot] Vavrzon / Hooy-Program 0
=17 Gumak [View screenshot] Shimi / exESA 0
=17 Amanauz [View screenshot] Majer 0
=17 Friad [View screenshot] Relict / Phantasy 0
=17 Goblin [View screenshot] Skalina / Constellation 0
=17 Join Us [View screenshot] Madman / Computer Rats Group 0
=17 Iron Maiden [View screenshot] Marwin / K3L Corp 0

ZX Spectrum Music »

[screenshot of NN World] [screenshot of Shit] [screenshot of Sequel] [screenshot of U'R-Anus] [screenshot of Slowly Into Realm Of Eternity]
1 Titanas Darkman and Justinas / Constellation 24
2 Dispazio Baze / 3SC 23
3 New Generation LaesQ / Raww Arse 19
4 Cobra Cares Cobra / Speccy Boyz 18
5 Ciudad De Suenos Gasman / Raww Arse 16
6 Madness Fly MmcM / Sage Group 15
=7 U'R-Anus LA Esq / Raww Arse 14
=7 NN World Aki / K3L Corp 14
=7 Agent X 2 C64 TDM / K3L Corp 14
10 4Ever 2000 TDM / K3L Corp 13
=11 Do Not Vote For This! X-agon / Naughty Crew ^ Phantasy 12
=11 Primitive Of Time-Forever Version Black Groove / Light Future Group 12
=13 Transform Aki / K3L Corp 9
=13 Grumble Rave Dx-69 and Ravager / Computer Rats Group 9
15 2000 Phantom Lord / Accept 8
16 3 Pieces In 1 X-agon / Naughty Crew ^ Phantasy 7
=17 Tek Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 6
=17 Slowly Into Realm Of Eternity Miguel / Cyberpunks Unity 6
19 Vitamin C Siril / 4th Dimension 4
=20 Shit Yerzmyey / Hooy-Program ^ Raww Arse 3
=20 Sequel Justinas / Constellation 3
=20 Narco House Dx-69 / Computer Rats Group 3
=20 Pondlife At Ze Sunny Beachez DJ_Z / Hardwave Crew 3
=24 Move Your Ass Ravager / Computer Rats Group 2
=24 We Love Hardwave Mitchell and SerzhSoft 2
=26 My First AY Melody In ABC Stereo Ivan Roshin 0
=26 Dreamcoding SerzhSoft 0

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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