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Assembly 2002

Assembly 2002 on Demozoo »

Assembly 2002

Helsinki, Finland

1st - 4th August 2002

Oldskool Music »

1 Balls Of Steel Jammic / Nurgosoft 3388
2 Would You? BriteLite / Dekadence 1672
3 Child's Play Music Heatbeat / CNCD 1449
4 A Sad Fly In a Jar of Jam KiWi 1189
5 Viides Simffonia Deetsay 1094
6 Way Up North Player One / Dekadence 980
7 Das Hit Agemixer / Scallop 915
8 Spiral SounDemoN 784
9 Cape Horn Reed / Fairlight 772
10 Blackjack Abaddon and Tempest / Damage 740
11 Funkkin Robot Sauli 669
12 Bossa-ing Around Rondo 649
13 Sokeritoukka Thor / Extend 582
14 Lunch Hour Automat Acumen 533
15 Aziz! Major 462
BubbleTrouble Ferrara / phObos Team
Delion Princess Oxide / Sonik
Left Hands PPessi / TymPanic Productions
Chippi 5 Rascal / Fascination
Run! Tabus
Motivaatiopurkaus Gremino
Prunk! Hexagon / Gender 8 ^ SKR!
Time Has Gone Huezo
Chatterbox Andyk
Timeless Marwin / Noice
Moonflower Mathew / Granma
Erazor Cat Flapjack and Pyromaniac / Madwizards
Oldschool Medley Leopold
ilekkitrap Juippi
ihana p媶 JuhoAP
Itaepasila Isotissi Lesboliisa / Jumalauta
Fields of Mist Humppamies / piAstro
Attack in no time Ilem
Primality Gasman / Hooy-Program

Wild demo »

[screenshot of Losing Victoria] [screenshot of Losing Victoria] [screenshot of Losing Victoria]
1 The Way Out Unreal Voodoo 6414
2 The Fellow Chip Amazement 2356
3 Project Kazama Hunt C.C.C.P. Productions 2238
4 Saberianist - Sapelittaja Miesmacher 1358
5 Ratsia V tAAt 1124
6 jadajada 1041
7 Losing Victoria Hooy-Program 942
8 Furiae Fragile 857
9 Naapuri Episent Productions 560
10 Do whatever you want to me Kahvila Multimedia Systems 510
11 The Jumping Duck Factory Citec 479
12 Action Unknown Trash Video 333
13 What's up (in da gangstahood) Yodel Street Unit 2467
Balalaicka I Kuollut Hanhi
Overclocked Low Budget Movies
Kood MAD Crew
Unvollkommene Tiere Nosfe
Tomp Radar - And The Lost Pieces of Neliö K.E.-Pictures
Höpötti Masasoft
Milk Systematik Dream Korp
Tuning Tarina - The Movie Tero K
Pertti the Motion Picture Spurged Squash
The End Of The World Golem
disq Die Fügung
disq Lez Go Wild Tyhjä Gruup
disq Assembly likes newbies Hazul
disq SKYDIVE Joonas and Teemu
disq Karamell Plastic
disq Rythmic Organization of Brain and Mental Processes Radio

A Gasman production, brought to you by the Demozoo network. Corrections, additions, new releases? Submit them to the main Demozoo site!
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