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Mata on Demozoo »

Scener profile - Mata

Location: Czech Republic


[Demo] Pikodemo 1991 Matasoft
- Code, Graphics, Music
[Demo] Example For ESI 1992 CBM and Matasoft
[Demo] Robocop Show 1992 Matasoft
- Code
[Demo] MQM 6 1994 Matasoft
[Demo] MQM 6 Remix 1994 Matasoft


[Demo] MQM 1992 MQM Team
- Code, Graphics, Music
[Demo] MQM 2: A Hard Wedges Into Head 1992 MQM Team
- Graphics, Code
[Demo] MQM 3: Total Brain Storm 1992 MQM Team
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] MQM 4: Next Punch into the Head 1993 MQM Team
- Graphics, Code
[Demo] Dataputer Quick 1993 MQM Team
- Code
[Demo] Overlap 1995 Omar Pictures
- Graphics
[Demo] MQM 5: The Reject 1995 MQM Team and Omega
- Graphics, Music

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