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Member of:

Cat-Man on Demozoo »

Scener profile - Cat-Man

Location: Województwo Łódzkie, Poland


[Demo] Dragons Party 1990 Cat-Man and Jacek Michalak
[Demo] The Lords Demo 1990 CatMan and Wise Man
[Demo] Popcorn 3 1990 Andy and CatMan and Wise Man
[Demo] Art 1 1991 Cat-Man
[Demo] Logic 5 1991 CatMan and Wojtus
[Demo] Mr Vain Cat-Remix 1993 CatMan and Jacek Michalak
[Music] China 1995 Cat-Man / Exodus
[Music] Schizophrenia - Gardens part 1995 Cat-Man / Exodus
[Music] Utopia 1999 Cat-Man
[Music] Catman's Revenge 2017 CatMan
[Graphics] Rainbow Cat [View screenshot] 2018 Cat-Man
[Music] At The Last Minute 2018 Cat-Man
[Music] Restless Rains by A. Walacinski 2019 CatMan /
[Graphics] Flying Cat [View screenshot] 2022 CatMan /
[Music] L'Amour Toujours 2023 Cat-Man /
[Music] Single Malt 2023 Cat-Man /
[Music] There Cat-Man
[Demo] The Lords Demo 2 CatMan and Wise Man
[Demo] Scramble CatMan and Wise Man


[Demo] Ivan Demo 1991 Tad
- Graphics (Logo), Music
[Demo] Agony Preview 1993 Lodz City Coders
- Music
[Demo] Agony 1993 Lodz City Coders
- Music, Graphics, Other (sound effects)
[Demo] Cat-Man's Gallery 1994 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Living On Video 1994 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Twin Worlds 1994 Exodus
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Acheron 1995 Exodus
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Exodus 1995 1995 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Schizophrenia 1995 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Schizophrenia 48 1995 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Science Fiction Games Art 1995 Exodus
- Music
[Demo] There 1995 Exodus
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] Sorry 1996 Claw
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Cows 1997 Claw
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Twin Worlds 2 1998 Exodus and Illusion and Nop
- Graphics
[Demo] Lazarus 1999 Claw
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Unit 42 2013
- Graphics
[Demo] Krunel 2013
- Other (Loading Screen), Other (Additional Tile Sets)
[Demo] Big Things Lite 2015
- Graphics
[Demo] Big Things 2017
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] ZX Clive [Tribute] 2021 Polish ZX All Stars
- Graphics
[Demo] Attributica 2022
- Music
[Demo] Koledy 2023 2023 Polish ZX All Stars
- Music, Graphics
[Demo] 3D Show Jacek Michalak
- Graphics, Music
[Demo] Charivari Jacek Michalak
- Music
[Demo] Geography Drozol and Muad'dib
- Graphics
[Demo] Night Fire Lodz City Coders
- Music

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